Program that utliztes Java Threads in order to validate a Sudoku solution.
Assignment #1 12/02/2021 Jordan Tiedemann COSC 3407 - Operating Systems
main method
- three integer arrays are initialized representing a sudoku solution. Numbers can be changed to test various solutions.
- by default sudoku and sudoku2 are valid solutions. sudoku3 is an invalid solution.
- the test results will be printed to console when run
- the integer arrays are assumed to be size 81 and fully intialized x guards to validate that each integer within the sudoku array are correctly initialized
- three integer arrays are initialized representing a sudoku solution. Numbers can be changed to test various solutions.
enum Region
- The Region enum is an integer that represents the region to be tested.
- There are 9 rows, 9 columns and 9 3x3 box regions for a total of 27 checks.
- this object takes in a board (a 1d integer array representing a sudoku solution) and keep a reference to the solution.
- this method generates 27 threads using the SudokuChecker class that checks each corresponding region enum
- generates a boolean array to store the results of each thread validation
- once each thread is completed- checks the solution array to return is the sudoku is valid or invalid
- this nested inner class implements the Runnable class to make use of threads in Java
- parameters store a reference to the board (1d int array) and solution array, as well as a region enum to control which region is checked.
- performs some guard checks before traversing the 1d array in the region corresponding the the enum specified
- generates a boolean array that tracks which integer values are found during the iteration of the region to ensure no duplicates are found
- sets the boolean value in the solution array to false if duplicate values are found or if an invalid number is found
- sudoku integer array are initialized in main and can be changed for each test you want to perform
- can test any number of sudoku solutions by declaring and initializing the integer array, creating the SudokuValidator object, and then calling the isValidSudoku method
- Sudoku solution integer array are assumed to be size 81 and fully initialized (program does not currently perform null checking when validating the integer array solution)
- Sudoku solutions that are an integer array of size 81 with uninitialized or null integers within the array will generate errors