kubectl apply -f namespace.yml
add secrets:
kubectl create secret generic mysql-posts-deployment --from-literal=MYSQL_PASSWORD="mydbpd" -n doozy
kubectl create secret generic mysql-profile-deployment --from-literal=MYSQL_PASSWORD="mydbpd" -n doozy
This claims starage on your machine
kubectl apply -f mysql-posts-deployment-pvc.yml
kubectl apply -f mysql-profile-deployment-pvc.yml
This creates the databases needed for each service
kubectl apply -f mysql-posts-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f mysql-profile-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f api-gateway.yml
this creates the messagebus
kubectl apply -f rabbitmq-deployment.yml
this creates the services
kubectl apply -f posts-microservice-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f profile-microservice-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f keel.yml
Create the testing stack (/jmeter-k8s-starterkit-master)
kubectl create -R -f k8s/
Starting the test with the desired # of slaves
./start_test.sh -n default -j my-scenario.jmx -i {number of slave pods)
View the dashboard (login:admin password: XhXUdmQ576H6e7)
kubectl port-forward <grafana_pod_id> 3000
To access the kubernetes dashboard with CPU/GPU information follow this tutorial the files are in the kubernetes/Dashboard folder
As to deploy the kubernetes build in dashboard
Create the needed files
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.5.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
Set the server live
kubectl proxy
Create definitions for operator
kubectl apply -f replication-setup.yml
Deploy operator
kubectl apply -f deploy-operator.yml
Create SQL Secrets for both databases
kubectl create secret generic mypwdspost \
--from-literal=rootUser=root \
--from-literal=rootHost=% \
kubectl create secret generic mypwdsprofile \
--from-literal=rootUser=root \
--from-literal=rootHost=% \
Apply the cluster files
kubectl apply -f profile-cluster.yml
kubectl apply -f post-cluster.yml
Run the docker compose file
docker-compose build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
When the docker-compose is up.
PostMicroservice: https://localhost:5500 ProfileMicroservice: https://localhost:5501 APIGatewayMicroservice: https://localhost:5501
To make the application easier to test the authorization/authentication is present in the features/adding-authentication-authorization branch. Further explaination how this works can be found in the Learning Outcomes Specefications Document