SwiftStompClient it's implementation STOMP on native WebSocket started support from iOS 13
- iOS 13.0+
- macOS 10.15+
- Mac Catalyst 13.0+
- tvOS 13.0+
- watchOS 6.0+
let request = URLRequest(url: "wss://,ws://")
let webSocket = WebSocket(request: request)
let heartBeat = HeartBeat(clientHeartBeating: "2000,5000")
let stompClient = SwiftStompClient(webSocket: webSocket, heartBeat: heartBeat)
stompClient.stompDelegate = self
request must contain ws:// or wss://
webSocket connection for sending STOMP frames
heartBeat optinal parameter for reciving pong frame and sending ping frame, init with string "2000,5000" where 2000 (in milliseconds) time to sending ping frame to server, 5000 wating handling pong frame from server, for more detail visit Heart-beating
implement handling webSocket connection/disconnection, resiving frames CONNECTED, MESSAGE, RECEIPT, ERROR, \n
open webSocket connection, handle opening webSocket func handleWebSocketConnect(session: URLSession, webSocketTask: URLSessionWebSocketTask, didOpenWithProtocol: String?)
then you can use sendFrame(frame: StompFrameProtocol)
disconnect webSocket connection, handle disconnect webSocket func handleWebSocketDisconnect(session: URLSession, webSocketTask: URLSessionWebSocketTask, closeCode: URLSessionWebSocketTask.CloseCode, reason: Data?)
sendFrame(frame: StompFrameProtocol)
send STOMP frame via websocket, for sending custom frame (if needed) just subsribe object to StompFrameProtocol
open terminal run
$ java -jar stomp-server.jar
server works on
pod 'SwiftStompClient', '~> 0.0.5'