Tempate for Open Stage Control with controll of Zynthian synt
For current stable version of ZynthianOS oram is fully working Mixer template only.
- edit mixer.js - change "var zyn_host = ''" to correct address
- start osc server by this (on raspberry pi):
node /path/to/open-stage-control_1.22.0_node
-s 192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ:1370
-l /path/to/dir/Mixer/mixer_zynthian_oram.json
-c /path/to/dir/Mixer/mixer.js`
--osc-port 1370
192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ is address of your Zynthian
Here is only one json file so you can start osc server by this (on raspberry pi):
node /path/to/open-stage-control_1.22.0_node
-s 192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ:1370
-l /path/to/dir/CUIA/zynthianCUIA.json
--osc-port 1370
192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ is address of your Zynthian
- edit mixer.js - change "var zyn_host = ''" to correct address
- start osc server by this (on raspberry pi):
node /path/to/open-stage-control_1.22.0_node
-s 192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ:1370
-l /path/to/dir/Mixer+CUIA/mixer_CUIA_zynthian.json
-c /path/to/dir/Mixer+CUIA/mixer.js`
--osc-port 1370
192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ is address of your Zynthian
Other details are on Zynthian discourse.