It's based on the work done by tdurieux and his Javascript client
The client is quite simple for now and just includes two search methods.
The interesting part resides in an alert manager allowing you to keep tracking of new advert for a target search. This implementation filters one day old adverts and uses Free Mobile sms notification api but it can be changed by any kind of AdsHandler, sending emails or whatever. You can also add or remove AdsFilter
Change the sms api credentials in the main class
And just build the project
./gradlew shadowJar
and run it for one search or more
Usage: java -jar lbc-all.jar city radius "a list of keywords" ["another list of keywords"]
For instance :
java -jar lbc-all.jar nantes 10000 "an awesome search" "another awesome search"
You will receive several sms with the result of your searches
In the send, just cron it for instance, here every day at 8am
0 8 * * * java -jar lbc-all.jar nantes 10000 "an awesome search" "another awesome search" > /dev/null 2>&1