- Description
- Quick Installation
- Installation Methods
- Usage Guide
- Features
- API Response Types
- Contributing
- License
Note : This project uses the API from Tiktok. This project is made for educational purposes only. This project is not affiliated with Tiktok. This project is not intended to harm or damage the Tiktok platform.
- This project is made to help users to download videos, images / slides and music from Tiktok.
- This project is also made to help users to view someone's profile from Tiktok.
- This project is also made to help users to view comments from a video on Tiktok.
Install using our automated script:
curl -o install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TobyG74/tiktok-api-dl/master/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
The script automatically:
- Verifies Node.js installation and version
- Installs the library using npm or yarn
- Provides usage examples
npm install @tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl
yarn add @tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl
npm install github:TobyG74/tiktok-api-dl
- Install Cookie-Editor
- Login to TikTok
- Open Cookie-Editor
- Copy the cookie and use it in your code:
npm install -g @tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl
tiktokdl [command] [options]
git clone https://github.com/TobyG74/tiktok-api-dl.git
cd tiktok-api-dl
npm install
npx ts-node src/cli/index.ts [command] [options]
npm run cli -- [command] [options]
$ tiktokdl -h
Usage: tiktokdl [options] [command]
TikTok downloader and search CLI tool
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
download [options] <url> Download TikTok Video / Slide / Music
cookie Cookie Manager
search Search TikTok users or live streams
getcomments [options] <url> Get comments from a TikTok video
stalk [options] <username> Stalk a TikTok user
help [command] display help for command
git clone https://github.com/TobyG74/tiktok-api-dl.git
cd tiktok-api-dl
npm install
npm run build
const Tiktok = require("@tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl")
const url = "https://vt.tiktok.com/xxxxxxxx"
Tiktok.Downloader(url, {
version: "v1", // "v1" | "v2" | "v3"
proxy: "YOUR_PROXY", // optional
showOriginalResponse: true // optional, v1 only
}).then((result) => console.log(result))
const Tiktok = require("@tobyg74/tiktok-api-dl")
Tiktok.Search("username", {
type: "user", // "user" | "live"
page: 1,
cookie: "YOUR_COOKIE",
proxy: "YOUR_PROXY" // optional
}).then((result) => console.log(result))
View more examples and full API documentation in our wiki
Tiktok Downloader V1
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
type: "video" | "image"
id: string
createTime: number
description: string
isTurnOffComment: boolean
isADS: boolean
hashtag: string[]
author: {
uid: string
username: string
nickname: string
signature: string
region: string
avatarLarger: string
avatarThumb: string
avatarMedium: string
url: string
statistics: {
playCount: number
downloadCount: number
shareCount: number
commentCount: number
diggCount: number
collectCount: number
forwardCount: number
whatsappShareCount: number
loseCount: number
loseCommentCount: number
whatsappShareCount: number
repostCount: number
video?: {
ratio: string
duration: number
playAddr: string
downloadAddr: string
cover: string
originCover: string
dynamicCover: string
images?: string[]
music: {
id: number
title: string
author: string
album: string
playUrl: string[]
coverLarge: string[]
coverMedium: string[]
coverThumb: string[]
duration: number
isCommerceMusic: boolean
isOriginalSound: boolean
isAuthorArtist: boolean
resultNotParsed?: any
Tiktok Downloader V2
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
type: "video" | "image"
desc?: string
author?: {
nickname?: string
avatar?: string
statistics: {
likeCount: string
commentCount: string
shareCount: string
video?: string
images?: string[]
music?: string
Tiktok Downloader V3
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
type: "video" | "image"
desc?: string
author?: {
avatar?: string
nickname?: string
music?: string
images?: string[]
videoSD?: string
videoHD?: string
videoWatermark?: string
Tiktok Search "User"
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: [{
uid: string
username: string
nickname: string
signature: string
followerCount: number
avatarThumb: string[]
isVerified: boolean
secUid: string
url: string
page: number
totalResults: number
Tiktok Search "Live"
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: [{
id: string
title: string
cover: string[]
squareCover: string[]
rectangleCover: string[]
liveTypeThirdParty: boolean
hashtag: string
startTime: number
stats: {
totalUser: number
viewerCount: number
likeCount: number
owner: {
id: string
nickname: string
username: string
signature: string
avatarThumb: string[]
avatarMedium: string[]
avatarLarge: string[]
modifyTime: number
stats: {
followingCount: number
followerCount: number
isVerified: boolean
page: number
totalResults: number
Tiktok Get Profile
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: {
users: {
username: string
nickname: string
avatar: string
signature: string
verified: boolean
region: string
stats: {
followerCount: number
followingCount: number
heartCount: number
videoCount: number
likeCount: number
posts: Posts[]
totalPosts: number
Tiktok Get Comments
status: "success" | "error"
message?: string
result?: [{
cid: string
text: string
commentLanguage: string
createTime: number
likeCount: number
isAuthorLiked: boolean
isCommentTranslatable: boolean
replyCommentTotal: number
replyComment: []
user: User
url: string
totalComments: number
- All changes will be documented in the CHANGELOG.md file.
- This repository is open source. We really appreciate it if you want to participate in developing this repository...
- Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md before contributing.
- This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.