Branch for the rewrite.
Tribes stuff.
Made using the T3 Stack.
"podman build -t dodges-domain ."
"podman run -d --rm -v ./.env:/app/.env --network=host --name dodges-domain dodges-domain"
"pnpm build" - Build site
"pnpm dev" "pnpm lint" "pnpm start"
"pnpm db:push" - Drizzle push (vercelPostgres) "pnpm db:studio" - Drizzle Studio
- Tailwind CSS css for dummies.
- Shadcn/ui component library.
- React Icons for icons.
Follow the deployment guides for Vercel, Netlify and Docker for more information.
Transfer old data
ShadUIify -> swap mantine with ShadUI components
- Navigation Menu
- Card
- HoverCard
- Button
- dropdown-menu
- navigation-menu
- Seperator
- Accordion
- Alert
- Sheet
- Carousel (New)
- Table
- Tabs
- Breadcrumb (New)
- Badge (New)
Add react Icons
Paragraph & Headings styling
Layouts (create a standard)
Migrate to git
Clone live sites color theme with similar tailwind offerings
Add T3 Section
- Different Color Theme
- Gameplay guides
- Quick short PUG Guide
- Recommended loadouts
- Recommended Settings
- Classes
- Weapons
- Maps (Gallery pages)
- Road Map
- Patch History
- External Links
Make it deploy (vercel)
Scaffold basic ui with mock data
Tidy up build process
Actually setup a database (vercel postgres)
Attach database to UI
Add authentication (w/ clerk)
Add txt upload
"taint" (serverside-only)
Error management (w/ Sentry)
Routing/image page (parrallel route)
Delete button (w/ Server Actions)
Analytics (posthog)
Ratelimiting (upstash)
- Use "git add -p", review changes, "git status", "git commit