This repository contains the website of DEVNET|Coin as well as the truffle framework files for installation and building.
We are running this on the KOVAN ethereum test network.
This is a nodejs application. We use web3js for connecting with the blockchain.
We have also created a Dockerfile so the site can be updated quickly and easily.
npm install -g truffle
The contract is located in contracts/devnetcoin.sol
and can be compiled as follows:
cd ~/<repo-root>
truffle compile
To deploy the network we use the Infura network. This way we don't need to run a local blockchain on our server. For instructions on setting this up see this guide.
We use environment variables to set the truffle.json
file. These environment variables are:
export INFURA_MNEMONIC="close door open mouth..."
export INFURA_SERVER="<your key>"
Once these are set you can deploy the contract on the network with:
truffle migrate --network kovan
Notice the configuration file we use for the truffle.json
file where we specify this network:
var HDWalletProvider = require("truffle-hdwallet-provider");
var mnemonic = process.env.INFURA_MNEMONIC;
var server = process.env.INFURA_SERVER;
module.exports = {
networks: {
kovan: {
provider: function() {
return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, server);
network_id: 42
Once the contract is deployed we can now interact with it.