- Right now, this dissector only supports protocol version 3.4, which is still W.I.P
- To use this dissector you have to copy lockbox lib to the right directory (I did to 'C:\Program Files\Wireshark\lua')
- Download the lockbox lib from lockbox repo
- Take all the files from lua-lockbox/lockbox and copy them to 'C:\Program Files\Wireshark\lua' (i.e. init.lua, cipher folder, ... are in 'C:\Program Files\Wireshark\lua\init.lua', 'C:\Program Files\Wireshark\lua\cipher')
- Take this script (tuya.lua) and place it (or symlink it from git folder) to 'C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\3.6' or one of the lua plugins folder (Help -> About Wireshark -> Folders)
- You have to input device_key into the protocol settings (right click on Tuya packet -> Protocol Preferences -> Tuya Protocol -> device_key)
- You need to get the device_key from tuya developer cloud site (tuya cloud api, guide at for example: localtuya)
- The device key is in ASCII string, while others are in hex stream - e.g. B61978 == 0xB6 0x19 0x78 (because they have random bytes and values 0x00-0x1F fuck up the printing... I am in LUA what can I do, pls help :D)
- I do not know where does the naming of the commands came from, so it may not be relevant ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- If the decoding is screwed up, click packets in this order: BIND(0x03), RENAME_GW(0x04)
- If anything else is broken (erors, etc.) -> reload lua plugins: Analyze -> reload lua plugins (ctrl + shift + l (<-'L', not 1))
- To find dps (datapoints) descriptions go to tuya cloud api -> Cloud -> Api explorer then Device control -> Get Device Specification Attribute (or search Get Device Specification Attribute)
- or search Get the device specifications and properties of the device
- or try your luck at docs (docs -> cloud development -> standard instruction set -> ..... somewhere in here)
If any of this info seem broken, go to first git commit of this info: 'Add code info and description'
Some terminology (may not match with the terminology of tuyapi repo):
- local == pc/mobile
- remote == Tuya device (switch, sensor, ...)
- header == first 16B (B == bytes)
- payload == all data after header
- return code == only sometimes! Only from remote? 4B after header counts to payload_len
- dps == datapoints
Sometimes there are multiple tuya packets inside one tcp!!!!
- The Tuya header and payload:
Header (16B):
- 4B Prefix 0x000055AA
- 4B Sequence_number (separate sequence numbers for remote and local)
- 4B Command
- 4B Payload length
Payload (Payload length long):
- Sometimes 4B return_code from remote (could to be always - tuya-iotos-embeded-sdk-wifi)
- xB DATA - has padding
- As to my understanding from the code I am rewriting, the padding is always there. Not shure it is true all the time.
- Padding bytes are the length of padding (0x........10101010101010101010101010101010 - padding is 0x10 == 16 and is 16B long, 0x...327D090909090909090909 - 9 x 0x09 (== 9))
- 32B HMAC_SHA256 - for as error detectiong code (crc/hash....)
- 4B suffix 0x0000AA55
DATA is always ECB_AES128 encrypted with device_key
This is how the session_key handshake goes (after TCP Syn handshake):
- local generates local_key == 16B (B == bytes) random
- add padding to local_key (0x10101010101010101010101010101010 when (len % 16 == 0))
- data = encode local_key using ecb_aes128 with device_key as passw (no padding or iv)
- create packet with prefix, local_seq_n, command = 0x00000003 (BIND), len (68? calculate it yourself :D), data
- calculate HMAC_SHA256 of previous packet using device_key as secret (passw) (no padding or iv)
- append hmac_hash to packet and append suffix (0x0000AA55)
- send!
- receive tuya packet (payload_len = 104B) with command 0x04 (do the previous in reverse :) ):
- remove suffix
- read the hmac_hash, calculate the hash (using device_key as secret) of the rest yourself and compare -> check if not data is lost/manipulated
- remove return_code from data in payload (first 4B in payload) if present (look at code at 'Remove return code' in tuya_protocol.dissector(...))
- take the remaining data in payload and decrypt it using ecb_aes128 with device_key as passw:
- remove padding (look at code at 'Remove padding' in _decrypt())
- first 16B is the remote_key
- next 32B is the HMAC_SHA256 hash of the local_key using device_key as secret (passw) -> calculate it yourself and compare
calculate the session_key as (python code):
XOR coresponding bytes and then encrypt using device_key as passw
for i in range(0x00, 0x10): session_key.append(local_key[i] ^ remote_key[i])
session_key = cipher_ECB_AES128.encrypt(session_key)
- send the message similar to the first one (0x00000003, BIND)
- increment local seq_n
- command = 0x00000005 (RENAME_DEVICE)
- len = 84
- Data = HMAC_SHA256 of remote_key using device_key as secret (passw)
Ta duh... You are connected :)
!!!From now on use session_key in AES encryption and ALSO in HMAC hash!!!
- 1: "code": "switch_1", "value": false
- 9: "code": "countdown_1", "value": 0
- 38: "code": "relay_status", "value": "1"
- 42: "code": "random_time", "value": ""
- 43: "code": "cycle_time", "value": ""
- 44: "code": "switch_inching", "value": "AQEs"
- 47?
for more info on the 3.4 protocol and where I 'inspired' myself go to:
- encryption described (mainly looked at code in repo below :D): codetheweb/tuyapi#481 (comment)
- harryzz tuyapi repo with 3.4 implementation: https://github.com/harryzz/tuyapi
- codetheweb original tuyapi: https://github.com/codetheweb/tuyapi