Tool and Nagios/Icinga check plugin for Homematic/Raspberrymatic based on XMLAPI AddOn
- install XMLAPI-Addon on your Homematic/Raspberrymatic (see
- create a token for the XMLAPI-Addon using
and notice the value (see - put the binary in your nagios/icinga plugin directory
- you may create a config file
(usually in the same directory,$HOME/.hmcli or /etc/nagios-plugins/config or provide full path via --config flag) with the content in hmcli.yaml and modify for your site. You may provide all thes flags also on the command line - test the plugin with
hmcli version --debug
to see if the correct config file has been taken andhmcli device list
to see if your CCU access is working. It should return a list of your devices. You may enable --debug to see details
- create the your command and service definitions as usual. For Icinga2 see special hints in and Icinga Director configuration basket Icinga2_basket.json
- to define a service, you have usually provide the ise_id (--id flag) of your devices, datapoints or system variables. You can get them with
hmcli device list
orhmcli datapoint list
orhmcli sysvar list
>hmcli --help
Query Tool and Nagios/Icinga check plugin for Homematic/Raspberrymatic with XMLAPI
hmcli [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
datapoint command related to datapoints
device command related to devices
help Help about any command
notifications check hmWarnThreshold notifications
rssi list rssi values of deviceList
sysvar command related to system variables
value command related to device master values
version version print version string
-C, --config string config file name
-c, --crit string critical level
-d, --debug verbose debug output
-h, --help help for hmcli
-T, --show-threshold show threshold section
-t, --token string Homematic XMLAPI Token
--unit-test redirect output for unit tests
-u, --url string Homematic URL (default "http://ccu")
-w, --warn string warning level
>hmcli datapoint
command related to datapoints
hmcli datapoint [command]
Available Commands:
check check a single datapoint
list List all data points for a device
hmcli datapoint list --help
List all data points for a device
hmcli datapoint list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
-m, --match string list data points with name matching regexp
>hmcli datapoint check --help
select a single datapoint by name or id and check its value
You can set -w or -c to set the warning or critical threshold on numeric values
hmcli datapoint check [flags]
-h, --help help for check
-i, --id string datapoint id (one) to query
-m, --match string datapoint value must match this regexp
-n, --name string datapoint name(one) to query
>hmcli devices list --help
list all devices or a specify one
hmcli device list [flags]
-a, --address string device addresses to query, comma separated
-h, --help help for list
-i, --id string device ids to query, comma separated
--internal also list internal channels
-n, --name string device name to query, comma separated
>hmcli mastervalue
command related to device master values
hmcli value [command]
value, values, mastervalue, mastervalues
Available Commands:
check check a single device Value
list List all device mastervalues or a specify one
-h, --help help for value
>hmcli mastervalue list --help
List for a given device all mastervalues or a named value.
Address or id must be given
hmcli value list [flags]
-a, --address string device addresses to query, comma separated
-h, --help help for list
-i, --id string device ids to query, comma separated
-n, --name string requested mastervalue names, comma separated
>hmcli mastervalue check --help
this retrives a given device mastervalue and may check if it contains a string (-m)
You can set -w or -c to set the warning or critical threshold on numeric values
hmcli value check [flags]
-a, --address string device address (only one) to query, alternative to id
-h, --help help for check
-i, --id string device id (one) to query, alternative to address
-m, --match string returned master value must match this regexp
-n, --name string requested master value (not device) name ( only one)
>hmcli notifications --help
List all current notifications.
You can set -w or -c to set the warning or critical threshold on notification count
hmcli notifications [flags]
-h, --help help for notifications
-I, --ignore string regexp to ignore notifications
-p, --print print ignored notifications
>hmcli rssi --help
List available rssi values of devices
hmcli rssi [flags]
-h, --help help for rssi
>hmcli sysvar --help
command related to system variables
hmcli sysvar [command]
Available Commands:
check check a single system variable
list List all system variables
hmcli.exe sysvar list --help
List all system variables
hmcli sysvar list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
>hmcli sysvar check --help
select a single system variable by name or id and check its value
hmcli sysvar check [flags]
-h, --help help for check
-i, --id string variable id (one) to query
-m, --match string value must match this regexp
-n, --name string value name(one) to query
# list datapoints of a device (using regexp). omit --match to see all
>hmcli datapoint list --match "000955699D3D84"
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage:0 Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.CONFIG_PENDING(4742) = true
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage:0 Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.DUTY_CYCLE(4746) = false
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage:0 Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.ERROR_CODE(4747) = 0
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage:0 Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.LOW_BAT(4748) = false
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:1.CURRENT_ILLUMINATION(7799) = 0.140000
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:1.CURRENT_ILLUMINATION_STATUS(7800) = 0
Device: Bewegungsmelder Garage Channel: Bewegungsmelder Garage Datapoint: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:1.ILLUMINATION_STATUS(7801) = 0
# check a single datapoint (using exact name) and set warning level if value is not "true"
>hmcli datapoint check --name HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.LOW_BAT --match "true"
CRITICAL: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.LOW_BAT returned value 'false', does not match 'true'
Datapoint:HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.LOW_BAT ID:4748 Value:=false
| 'time'=847ms;;;;
# list devices by name (omit --name to see all)
>hmcli device list --name "Bewegungsmelder Garage"
ID:4740, Name: Bewegungsmelder Garage, Address: 000955699D3D84, Type: HmIP-SMO
# list master values of a device by id (id or name required)
>hmcli mastervalues list --id="4740"
Device (ID=4740): Bewegungsmelder Garage, Type: HmIP-SMO
# check a single master value (usinng id) and set warning level if value is >=9
>xheck_hm.exe mastervalues check --id 4740 --name ARR_TIMEOUT -w 9
Device:4740 ID:Bewegungsmelder Garage ValueName:ARR_TIMEOUT=10
| 'Bewegungsmelder Garage(4740).ARR_TIMEOUT'=10;9;;; 'time'=156ms;;;;
# check notifications and warn if there is one or more pending
>hmcli.exe notifications -w 1
1 notifications pending
CONFIG_PENDING: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.CONFIG_PENDING(Bewegungsmelder Garage) since 2024-02-17T18:25:31+01:00
| 'notifications'=1;1;;; 'time'=2029ms;;;;
# check notifications as before, but ignore sticky and config pending notifications
>hmcli.exe notifications -I 'STICKY|PENDING' -w 1
0 notifications pending | 'notifications'=0;1;;; 'time'=1853ms;;;;
# print ignored notifications
>hmcli.exe notifications -I 'STICKY|PENDING' -p
0 notifications pending, 1 ignored | 'notifications'=0;;;; 'time'=1764ms;;;;
CONFIG_PENDING: HmIP-RF.000955699D3D84:0.CONFIG_PENDING(Bewegungsmelder Garage) since 2024-02-17T18:25:31+01:00
# list rssi values of devices
>hmcli.exe rssi
Address:BidCoS-RF rx:65536 tx: -56
Address:KEQ1070683 rx:65536 tx: -73
Address:MEQ0272433 rx:65536 tx: -58
# list system variables and find id of a variable
>hmcli.exe sysvar list
ID:7931, Name: DutyCycle-Alarm, Value: nicht ausgelöst, INFO: DutyCycle 98% (CCU)
ID:7794, Name: WatchDog-Alarm, Value: nicht ausgelöst, INFO: Unclean shutdown or system crash identified
ID:1233, Name: Alarmzone 1, Value: ausgelöst, INFO: Alarmmeldung Alarmzone 1, Since:2024-02-17 19:15:22
ID:950, Name: Anwesenheit, Value: anwesend, INFO: Anwesenheit, Since:2024-01-31 21:33:04
ID:6548, Name: DutyCycle, Value: 36.000000 %, INFO: DutyCycle CCU, Since:2024-02-17 21:54:00
# check HM DutyCyle variable and set warning level if value is >=30
# DutyCycle needs to be published by removing the "internal" flag in CCU Systemvariables settings
>hmcli.exe sysvar check --id 6548 -w 30
DutyCycle=34.000000 (%)
ID:6548, Name: DutyCycle, Value: 34.000000 %, INFO: DutyCycle CCU, Since:2024-02-17 21:58:00
| 'DutyCycle(6548).'=34.000000;30;;; 'time'=229ms;;;;