The reference implementation of optimized for linux, Solaris and the use of Hiera
Should work for VMware and Virtualbox
- CentOS 6.6 Vagrant box
- Puppet 3.7.3
- Vagrant >= 1.6.5
- Oracle Virtualbox >= 4.3.20
- VMware fusion >= 6
creates a 12.1.3 WebLogic cluster ( admin, node1, node2 )
site.pp is located here:
The used hiera files
Add the all the Oracle binaries to /software
edit Vagrantfile and update the software share
- admin.vm.synced_folder "software", "/software"
- node1.vm.synced_folder "software", "/software"
- node2.vm.synced_folder "software", "/software"
- Weblogic 12.1.3 fmw_12.
- JDK 8 jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz
- JCE Policy 8
- vagrant up admin
- vagrant up node1
- vagrant up node2