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Tonius edited this page Oct 14, 2014 · 4 revisions

Simply Jetpacks has some basic controls you need to know before trying to use anything.

Turn on/off

Lets you turn a jetpack or flux pack on or off. They are off initially, so you need to use this key before using them. Mapped to F by default, but can be changed in the Controls screen.
Note: When wearing a JetPlate, this key can be used to either turn on the jetpack engine or the flux pack charger. Sneak and press the key to enable the charger. Otherwise, the engine will be enabled.

Switch mode

Lets you turn Hover Mode on or off on a jetpack. Mapped to C by default, but can be changed in the Controls screen.


Hold this button when wearing an active jetpack to fly upwards. By default, this is always whatever the Jump keybind is set to. However, this can be changed in the configuration file to be another key. It has to be set in the configuration file to avoid conflicts, just like it doesn't conflict with the Jump keybind by default.


Hold this button when wearing an active jetpack in hover mode to descend faster. By default, this is always whatever the Sneak keybind is set to. However, this can be changed in the configuration file to be another key.

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