Stay informed of the latest exchange rate references from the dollar to the Venezuelan bolivar, you can also monitor fluctuations in the different cryptocurrencies.
- Monitor the history (daily, weekly and monthly) of currency exchange rates
- Search currencies functionality
- Find all your of favorites currencies in one place
- Easy access to a calculator
- Can be install as a Progressive Web App (PWA)
- User registration and login
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop devices
- User authentication and authorization
- Sync user preferences between devices (requires to be authenticated)
- Light/Dark mode toggle
- React (This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.)
- Tailwind CSS
- Firebase
- Chart.js
Visit the Web App site hosted on Netlify.
These instructions will help you install and run the project on your local machine for development and testing.
Before you run the project, make sure that you have the following tools and software installed on your computer:
- Text editor/IDE (e.g., VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom)
- Git
- Node.js
- NPM (usually included with Node.js)
To install the project on your computer, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
Navigate to the project directory.
cd dolarve
Install project dependencies by running the command:
npm install
To start the development server, run the following command:
To run the project, follow these steps:
Start the development server by executing the command:
npm run start
Open a web browser and navigate to
to view the project's home page.
To run tests, simply run the following command:
npm run test
Created by @TonyMckes - feel free to contact me!