The Simple Logging Facade for Apex (SLF4A) intends to be the standard method for logging in Salesforce Apex applications.
public with sharing class ExampleController {
Create a logger from the facade
The actual logger returned determined by the highest priority Framework custom metadata record
With no additional configuration the BasicLogger will be returned
private static final slf.Logger logger = slf.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleController.class);
public static void logSomeStuff() {
logger.finest('This will be logged at the FINEST level');
// 17:34:27:153 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|This will be logged at the FINEST level
logger.finest('The account will be serialized here: {0}', new Account(Name='Serialize Me'));
// 17:34:27:154 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|The account will be serialized here: Account:{Name=Serialize Me}
ExampleMarker marker = new ExampleMarker();
logger.finest(marker, 'Markers can be used to change the behaviour of the logger');
// 17:34:27:169 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|EXAMPLE MARKER - Markers can be used to change the behaviour of the logger
logger.finest(new ExampleMarker(), 'Markers & serialization are supported: {0}', new Account(Name='Serialize Me'));
// 17:37:17:176 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|EXAMPLE MARKER - Markers & serialization are supported: Account:{Name=Serialize Me}
logger.finer('log at FINER');
// 17:34:27:171 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINER|log at FINER
logger.fine('log at FINE');
// 17:34:27:171 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINE|log at FINE
logger.debug('log at DEBUG');
// 17:34:27:172 USER_DEBUG [180]|DEBUG|log at DEBUG'log at INFO');
// 17:34:27:172 USER_DEBUG [180]|INFO|log at INFO, 'Markers can be added at any level');
// 17:34:27:173 USER_DEBUG [180]|INFO|EXAMPLE MARKER - Markers can be added at any level'Seralization can happen at any level', new Account(Name='Also serialized!'));
// 17:34:27:174 USER_DEBUG [180]|INFO|Seralization can happen at any level'Up to {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}! objects can be serialized', 'one', 2, 'three', '4', 'five');
// 17:34:27:175 USER_DEBUG [180]|INFO|Up to one, 2, three, 4, five! objects can be serialized
logger.warn('log at WARN');
// 17:34:27:175 USER_DEBUG [180]|WARN|log at WARN
if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
logger.error('log at ERROR');
// 17:34:27:176 USER_DEBUG [180]|ERROR|log at ERROR
if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) {
logger.finest('put more expensive logging operations in if blocks');
// 17:34:27:176 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|put more expensive logging operations in if blocks
List<Framework__mdt> frameworks = [SELECT Service_Provider_Class_Name__c, slf__Priority__c FROM Framework__mdt ORDER BY Priority__c DESC];
logger.finest('for example, running a query only for logging: {0}', frameworks);
// 17:34:27:181 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|for example, running a query only for logging: slf__Framework__mdt:{slf__Service_Provider_Class_Name__c=BasicLoggerServiceProvider, slf__Priority__c=1, Id=m00540000007025AAA}
logger.finest('this way the query is only run if somebody will see the log');
// 17:34:27:182 USER_DEBUG [180]|FINEST|this way the query is only run if somebody will see the log
- A great standalone logging package
- Great performance - objects are only serialized if they are logged
- Declaritively turn off logging and improve performance
- Easy to switch logging implementations
- Familiar API inspired by SLF4J's
Easy! Just install the latest package version & start coding! The latest version ID is 04t5w000003LZTiAAO.
Look at the basic-logger-framework implementation for reference. This repository is an example of connecting the Apex Unified Logging to SLF4A.
sfdx force:package:create --name slf4a --description "Simple Logging Framework For Apex" --packagetype Unlocked --targetdevhubusername [email protected] -r ./src
Don't skip validation or the package will be created without a namespace.
sfdx force:package:version:create --package slf4a --targetdevhubusername [email protected] --installationkeybypass -w 120
- implement missing marker methods?
- basic marker tests
- finish basic logger tests
- templating
- add more advanced framework dependent on SL4FA
- more reasons why