Set Operations API
Currently implemented API functions are found within the set-relation.R
file. Other files are for testing or documentation purposes and should not be used as an API. The following are the currently implemented endpoints:
- /getSetUnion
- /getSetIntersect
- /getAsymDiff
- /getSetComplement
- /getSetEquality
- /getSetCardinality
- /getSymmDiff
- /getSetPartitions
Topic: setUnion
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
The return is as follows:
"topic": [
"type": [
"format": [
"difficulty": [
"question": {
"content": [
"Let A and B be two sets. What is \\$A\\cup B\\$?"
"\\$A=\\$ \\$\\{ 13, 3, 4, 8, 12 \\}\\$"
"\\$B=\\$ \\$\\{ 17, 8, 5, 15, 13 \\}\\$"
"correct": [
"\\$\\{ 13, 3, 4, 8, 12, 17, 5, 15 \\}\\$"
"distractors": [
"\\$\\{ 13, 3, 4, 12, 17, 5, 15 \\}\\$"
"\\$\\{ 13, 3, 4, 8, 12, 17, 5, 15, 5 \\}\\$"
"\\$\\{ 13, 3, 8, 12, 17, 5, 15 \\}\\$"
Topic: setIntersect
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: asymmetricDifference
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: setComplement
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: setEquality
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: setCardinality
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: symmetricDifference
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: setPartitions
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: setExpressions
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
Topic: powerSet
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)
Topic: cartesianProduct
@param qType Question Type ('1': Multiple Choice)
@param qDifficulty Question Difficutly (1:easiest - 5:hardest)
@param dataType Data type (1: Ints, 2: Real, 3: Complex,
4: Char, 5: String, 6: Mixed)