A basic voxel engine made with C++17 and OpenGL 4.6.
W/A/S/D/Controller d-pad/Controller left axis - move.
Mouse motion/Controller right axis - look around.
Left click/Left trigger - destroy block.
Right click/Right trigger - place block.
Scroll wheel/Controller shoulder buttons - cycle through placeable blocks.
Left shift/Controller A button - increase speed.
Space/L3 - display wireframe.
Escape/Start - quit game.
F2 - take screenshot.
All textures made with Paint.NET.
Skybox from CustomMapMakers.
All sound effects make with as3sfxr.
All fonts from dafont.
SDL2 - for window creation, input handling and OpenGL context creation.
OpenGL - for 3D graphics.
GLAD - for accessing modern OpenGL functions.
GLM - for linear algebra and other graphical mathematics.
STB Image - for loading to/writing from image files.
OpenAL Soft - for 3D audio.
FreeType - for converting TTF files into texture atlases to be rendered.
tinyxml2 - for reading XML files.
magic_enum - for static reflection of enums.