Updated CPU and Memory Windows for F256
In CPU Window, add a context menu to Save Source Listing. This is useful when decompiling an application.
In CPU Window, when adding a label, track the labels and addresses and replace in the source listing.
In CPU Window, when successive code addresses are not contiguous, then add a dashed line.
Fixed the BBS/BBR opcodes - it was using the operands in reverse order.
Fixed the display of BBS/BBR/RMB/SMB in the CPU window.
In Memory Window, added MCR buttons for the F256K. Buttons and tooltips are dependent on the board version.
Tightened up the IRQ handling in the CPU window. Now, when an interrupt is raised, the Program Counter is set to the IRQ handler.
I am also checking that IRQ Flag is allowing IRQ before allowing SOL and SOF to be raised.
Added third Interrupt Register for F256.
Clearing breakpoint list when Run button is pressed, to ensure the list of breakpoints is populated correctly. This is properly handling the "Step Over" case.
Added the Memory slots for F256 in Memory Window.
Fixed the Interrupt checkboxes in CPU Window to account for F256.
Adjusted to repaint the CPU Window upon interrupt/Breakpoint.