Fetch past Ethereum contract events asynchronous with progress update
Fetching past events over a large blockrange can take a long time. Web3-eventfetcher provides a simple API that collects events in chunks and optionally provides progress updates via callback function.
npm install @triplespeeder/web3-eventfetcher
Web3-eventfetcher needs a contract instance that provides the "getPastEvents" method as provided by web3.js or @truffle/contract.
To start fetching events an Options object needs to be provided:
contract: <instance>, // The contract instance. Required!
eventName: <string>, // The event to look for. Required!
fromBlock: <number>, // Required!
toBlock: <number>, // Required!
filter: <filter object>, // Optional filter as described in https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.2.0/web3-eth-contract.html#getpastevents
progressCallback: <function>, // Optional progress callback. See below
chunkSize: <number>, // Optional. Sets the number of blocks that are queried on one call. E.g. looking
// at 1000 Blocks with a chunksize of 50 results in 20 backend requests (and 20
// progress callbacks). Default value: 100
const EventFetcher = require('@triplespeeder/web3-eventfetcher')
/* Initialize contract instance using @truffle/contract */
const erc20ABI = require('human-standard-token-abi')
const contract = require('@truffle/contract')
const tetherUSDTAddress = '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7'
const ERC20Contract = contract({abi: erc20ABI})
contractInstance = await ERC20Contract.at(tetherUSDTAddress)
const callbackFunction = function(stepsComplete, totalSteps, percentageComplete, stepResults) {
console.log(`Progress: Step ${stepsComplete} of ${totalSteps} (${percentageComplete}%).`
/* Fetch events */
let eventFetcher = new EventFetcher()
const fetchOptions = {
contract: contractInstance,
eventName: 'Approval',
fromBlock: 8661209,
toBlock: 8662209,
let events = await eventFetcher.fetch(fetchOptions)
The optional progressCallback function gets called after each chunk (see "chunksize" above) with these parameters:
stepsComplete: Number of steps/chunks that are done
totalSteps: Total number of steps/chunks to be completed
percentageComplete: Percentage of steps completed
stepResults: Array of event results that were fetched with the last step.
stepFromBlock: First block that has been covered in this step
stepToBlock: Last block that has been covered in this step
To cancel fetching of events call eventFetcher.cancel()
. EventFetcher will stop after the current chunk is
received and not return any events.