- HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3 and WebGL
- Core HTML5 Canvas: Volume 1: Graphics, Animation, and Game Development
- Building HTML5 Games with ImpactJS: An Introduction On HTML5 Game Development
- HTML5 Game development with ImpactJS
- HTML5 Game Development with GameMaker
- HTML5 Games Development by Example: Beginner's Guide
- The Web Game Developer's Cookbook: Using JavaScript and HTML5 to Develop Games
- HTML5 Game Programming with enchant.js
- HTML5 Canvas
- AdvancED HTML5 Games
- The Essential Guide To HTML5: Using Games To Learn HTML5 And JavaScript
- HTML5 Game Engines: App Development and Distribution
- Releasing HTML5 Games for Windows 8
- Supercharged JavaScript Graphics: with HTML5 canvas, jQuery, and More: with HTML5 Canvas, SVG, JQuery, and More
- The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket (Definitive Guide Apress)
- Game Developer Magazine
- Getting Started With HTML5 Game Development by Mozilla
- HTML5 Game Development
- Udemy HTML5 game development courses
- Making a Speedy HTML5 Game
- HTML5 game dev forum
- Core HTML5 Canvas: Mind-blowing Apps in Your Browser
- Top 5 Best Practices for Building HTML5 Games, In Action!
- HTML5 2D game development: Implement gravity and add sound
- The State of Mobile HTML5 Game Development
- 10 cool HTML5 games and how to create your own
- Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL
- HTML5 Game Development For Dummies
- JavaScript and HTML5 Game Development blog
- HTML5 Game Development talks by Caktus Group
- Introduction to HTML5 Game Development
- HTML5 Game Design and Development blog
- A Layman’s Guide to Projection in Videogames
- HTML5 Game Development: Watch David Geary's presentation from the Norwegian Developer's Conference (NDC) 2011.
- Artillery's HTML5 Browser Gaming Console Platform (2013)
- Introduction to Tiled Map Editor: A Great, Platform-Agnostic Tool for Making Level Maps
- Tiled Map Editor - Tutorials
- Tutorial – Tiled mapEditor Part 1- Create a TMXTiledMap Game
- Citrus Engine: Creating Level using Tiled Map Editor
- Intermediate Game Tutorial #3 - A Tile Based Map Editor
- Introductory Guide to Tiled
- How to use Tiled Map Editor with Cocos2d-html5
- Tiled Tutorial: The Basics - Video
- Flipping tiles using the Tiled map editor
- HTML5 game development tools
- Make Your HTML5 Game Better with Clay.io
- Tools for HTML5 Game Development
- Pyxel Edit
- Draw with JavaScript course on CodeCademy.com
- Developing Your First HTML5 Game – Lesson 1
- Beginner's Guide to HTML5 Canvas
- Animation with HTML5 Canvas
- More Beginner HTML5 Canvas
- Udacity HTML5 game development courses
- How to Learn Three.js for Game Development
- Gaming: Battle on the High Seas, Part 1
- http://www.panelmonkey.org
- http://cdiv.sourceforge.net/html/links/linkssprites.htm
- http://www.gamingw.net
- http://sonikku.com/index.php?pid=spritesheets
- http://fortunecity.com/lavender/tombstone/174/sprites/id39.htm
- http://tsgk.captainn.net
- http://www.hellsoft.net
- http://www.videogamesprites.net/
- http://www.bogleech.com/games.html
- http://www.retrogamezone.co.uk/
- http://www.spriters-resource.com