Updated to 4.2.4 and tested succesfully using Curseforge modpack on 2021-dec-20
You can mail me if there's a newer version and I don't notice fast enough.
Sourcefiles from here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4/files
The file-redirect currently leads to https://edge.forgecdn.net/files/3565/687/SkyFactory-4_Server_4_2_4.zip
git repo: https://github.com/TrueOsiris/docker-minecraft-skyfactory4
dockerhub repo: https://hub.docker.com/r/trueosiris/minecraft-skyfactory4
This is based on several other repos. Credits to these fellas!
- itzg/minecraft-server
- jaysonsantos/docker-minecraft-ftb-skyfactory3
Also thanks to contributer connorv001 and bug reporter / commenter AmandaJonesAway bitjumper1 msshnl
To adapt the server properties, run the container & let it fully install until you see the line
[Aromabackup-Backup/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: [AromaBackup] Server Backup done!
Then stop the container, adapt the server.properties file & start it again.
To simply use the latest stable version, run:
docker run -d -p 25565:25565 trueosiris/minecraft-skyfactory4
To use a specific version, use
docker run -d -p 25565:25565 trueosiris/minecraft-skyfactory4:4.2.4
where the default server port, 25565, will be exposed on your host machine. If you want to serve up multiple Minecraft servers or just use an alternate port, change the host-side port mapping such as:
docker run -p 25566:25565 ...
will service port 25566.
Speaking of multiple servers, it's handy to give your containers explicit names using --name
, such as
docker run -d -p 25565:25565 --name minecraft trueosiris/minecraft-skyfactory4
With that you can easily view the logs, stop, or re-start the container:
docker logs -f minecraft
( Ctrl-C to exit logs action )
docker stop minecraft
docker start minecraft
In order to persist the Minecraft data, which you probably want to do for a real server setup, use the -v
argument to map a directory of the host to /data
docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data -p 25565:25565 trueosiris/minecraft-skyfactory4
When attached in this way you can stop the server, edit the configuration under your attached /path/on/host
and start the server again with docker start CONTAINERID
to pick up the new configuration.
The message of the day, shown below each server entry in the UI, can be changed with the MOTD
environment variable, such as:
docker run -d -e 'MOTD=My Server' ...
If you leave it off, the last used or default message will be used.
The Java memory limit can be adjusted using the JVM_OPTS
environment variable, where the default is the setting shown in the example (max and min at 2048 MB):
docker run -e 'JVM_OPTS=-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M' ...