Contributors: Aaditya Baranwal; Mohit Mathuria; Nakul Sharma
OS Version: Linux: Ububtu 20.04
esrgan-> This folder contains the code for ESRGAN, the file scales the images. The file uses the StableDiffusion and GIT to augment the images, and save them offline.
SimCLR-> Training and accompanying scripts for running our method which exploits stable diffusion for augmentations and train SimCLR network to learn hidden representations.
SimCLR GAN-> Training and accompanying scripts for running our method which exploits styleGAN for augmentations and train SimCLR network.
The approach is explained in report.pdf
to run training scripts, run the following command after goining to respective method's directory:
python --gpu-index <CUDA device index>
Mentioned in report.pdf