Repository scanner for the identification of effective licenses, copyright information and identiifcation of encryption algorithms.
DeepScan takes the URL of a git repository as input, clones the content and scans all files contained (see below) for license indicators and copyright comments. All findings will be returned in a hirarchical structure (including references) and the cloned repo will be deleted afterwards.
We provided also a hosted version with a nice UI to review the findings, that you can find here. The hosted version is available for free through the Web-UI. It is also part of the subscription based TrustSource-Service. This version allows in addition the cloning and scanning of private repositories and (new!) the chained processing of complete SBOMs. It has been set up to support many and large repositories. If you are interested in using it from within your CI/CD pipeline, we offer API-subscriptions.
To learn more about TrustSource - the only process focussed Open Source Compliance tool, which supports all aspects of the open source compliance tool chain - visit our website at
Currently, the tool searches all kind of source files for comments. It covers a wide range of programming languages:
- AppleScript
- Assembly
- Batch
- C
- Clif
- Clojure
- CMake
- CSharp
- Dart
- Elixir
- Fortran
- Go
- Haskell
- Flex
- Java
- JavaScript
- Kotlin
- Lisp
- Matlab
- Markdown
- NinjaBuild
- ObjectiveC
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Rust
- Shader
- Shell
- Swift
- TypeScript
- Yacc
- Yaml
In addition, it assesses all LICENSE, COPYING and README named files. Text, respectively comments in source files, will be analyzed for copyright statements and licenses will be verified against the original liecense text using a similarity analysis approach. The tool compiles results in a JSON file.
PLEASE NOTE: The tool will ignore all kind of image, audio or video files.
You may decide upon what to include in the scan. You may want to search for license indications only or also for copyright information. The latter will increase the operations time drastically. The scanning has several phases. It seeks for SPDX license identifiers as well as compares license texts using a similarity analysis. For the copyright scaning it has several routines but mainly builds on ScanCode (credits to Philippe).
DeepScan is the CLI-version of the TrustSource DeepScan service. TrustSource DeepScan is a free repository scanning service operated by TrustSource. To learn more about it and how it works, see the TrustSource Knowledgebase. It is the "Repo-Scanner" part of the OpenChain Reference Tooling. See here for a complete description of the reference model.
The tool is realized in Python 3, we recommend to provide at least Python 3.7. To install it you may use pip:
pip install ts-deepscan
Currently, we do not support any alterantive installations, but we are planning to provide homebrew shortly. To execute a scan, make sure the machine you are using to perform the scan has access to the internet, so that deepscan will be able to laod the latest Update of license data. This requires https (443). We regularly update the license texts. To provide this service, we kindly thank the SPDX-team. They do the heavy lifting on updating the licenses.
# clone a repo
git clone
# execute a scan
ts-deepscan scan -o results.json ./ts-deepscan
If you omit the -o parameter, the tool will use standard out as default. For further options please see the next section. In the first run, it will download the license data from this repository. Occasionlaly we update the file. Original data is provided by SPDX org.
DeepScan may be used to scan a complete directory or a single file depending on the path argument. Pleaase note! we have split the scanning and uploading into two steps. thus you may scan and export the results locally instead of uploading the findigs directly to TrustSource. The formats supported are SPDX and CycloneDX.
To list all available commands:
ts-deepscan --help
To get help to particular commands:
ts-deepscan <COMMAND> --help
To scan a particular file:
ts-deepscan scan ./ts-deepscan/LICENSE
To scan a complete directory:
ts-deepscan scan ./ts-deepscan
To set a timeout for each file (not the whole scan) in seconds (Default: 60 seconds. Unlimited: -1):
ts-deepscan scan --timeout 120 ./ts-deepscan
You may use a piped command in combination with xargs
to select only files matching a particular pattern:
find packages -type f -print | grep "linkedin" | xargs ts-deepscan scan -o somefile.json
The above command will check the directory packages
and filter the list of file names for linkedin
. This is then converted by xargs into parameters and added to the ts-deepscan command.
The default is to scan for license indicators only. If you also want to invest into the costly search for copyright infromation, you must inlcude the --include-copyright parameter, e.g.:
ts-deepscan scan --include-copyright ./ts-deepscan
If you want to turn on the search for used cryptographic algorithms in source code files (based on ScanOSS detection algorithms), you must inlcude the --include-crypto parameter, e.g.:
ts-deepscan scan --include-crypto ./ts-deepscan
Default output will be stdout (console). To write in a file instead, use the -o option, e.g.:
ts-deepscan scan --include-copyright -o result.json ./ts-deepscan
If you want to exclude files from analysis while scanning directories, you can specify one or more ignore file patterns using the --ignore-pattern option, e.g. the following command
ts-deepscan scan --ignore-pattern "*.pyc" -o result.json ./ts-deepscan
scans the directory 'ts-deepscan' and exludes all Python compiled files with an extension "pyc" from the analysis. To add several ignore patterns in parallel, add several '--ignore-pattern' key and value pairs. Please note, that it will not be necessary to exclude binaries or multi-media files. DeepScan will identify and skip these automatically.
The default is to use the maximal number of availbale CPU cores (cpu_count - 1) on Unix based systems and one core on Windows (due to slow process forking), if you want to specify the number of parallel jobs manually, you can use -j option, e.g.
ts-deepscan scan -j 4 -o result.json ./ts-deepscan
To enable the YARA analyser you can use the --enable-yara option together with the --yara-rules option specifying the YARA rules location. The location can be either a file or a directory with files, the scanner loads all files with .yar extension:
ts-deepscan scan --enable-yara --yara-rules <YOUR RULES SET> -o result.json ./ts-deepscan
For uploading previously stored scan results (scan executed with the '-o' option) to the TrustSource app use the following command:
ts-deepscan upload --module-name ts-deepscan --api-key <YOUR_API_KEY> result.json
Note: before uploading scan, a project has to be created in the TrustSource app as well as an API key has to be generated in the TrustSource Account settings
On our roadmap we see two capabilities being of relevance:
Already now, each file assessed is hashed, so that we do not need to assess the same file several times. This feature can be used to identify multiple appearances of the same file across different repositories. The subscription based implementation already has this capability. However, to resolve this reuirement, additional services are required. These we have provided in the context of the managed solution, e.g. storage of results, indexing, query, search and reply. DeepScan is set to support this scenario but will not further be extended on this.
One of the next steps will be to add support for the identification of malicious or weak programming patterns to help protecting the inbound supply chain.
In GitHub and other git derivatives it is possible to link a repository into your repository. The current version is treating these repositories as local code, which leads to difficulties with deep linking the original files. If there is higher demand to resolve this, we could invest into that direction.
Given we identified a license text, with a similarity lower than 90%, it is possible that the original license text has been amended. Sometimes authors do add a clause or remove one. In a next version, we plan to outline these deltas. However, our analysis did show, that deviations typically require manual intervention for further analysis. That is, why we skipped activity in that direction for now.
In case you have specific need for any of the cases mentioned above, feel free to reach out and let us know about your case. If you have additional ideas, feel free to open a feature request in the issues section.
Feel free to reach out to the TrustSource Team by dropping us a message or providing issues. We'ld love to hear your feedback to learn and improve. Contributions are welcome. Just clone, create your branch and send a pull request. Please make sure to agree to the contribution agreement and the coding guidelines.
If you like the tool and want to support our further work, feel free to support us with donations or sign an API-usage agreement. Thank you & best regards!