Swift package manager for TrustSource (ECS) (open source code compliance)
PLEASE NOTE: We stopped further development on this tool. You may still use it, but it will no longe receive support. Starting Q4/2024 we decided to focus all efforts on developing ts-scan, which will soon also cover all capabilities of this solution.
- pip - is often already contained in the Python distribution but in some cases, please, follow the pip's installation instruction
cd <path to the ecs-spm-plugin>
pip install ./ --process-dependency-links
ecs-spm-plugin <path to the project directory>
- ecs-plugin.json - settings file in the project's directory
- project : String - project name
- credentials : String [optional] - location of the file containing login information (userName and appKey) for the ECS service. Ignored: if a userName or appKey keys are present in the config file
- userName : String - ECS login name
- appKey : String - ECS key for apps
- skipTransfer : Bool - outputs the scan results into the stdout without submitting to the ECS service