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automatic license plate recognition for Taiwan license plates


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ANPR for TW license plate




  • Python >= 3.10

  • Third-party Packages

    • paddle

      • CPU version: pip install paddlepaddle
        • recommended
      • GPU version: pip install paddlepaddle-gpu
        • If using the GPU version, please ensure that the cuDNN libraries are located in the default path before running.
        • If the cuDNN libraries are not in the default environment, add the installation path to the session's $LD_LIBRARY_PATH before executing Python:
          • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/your/libraries:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
          • e.g.: If I installed cuDNN via conda in a custom environment, run: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HOME}/.conda/envs/tenv/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH, then execute Python commands.
    • PaddleOCR: pip install paddleocr

    ** After the initial PaddleOCR setup, OCR models will be saved at:

    • ~/.paddleocr/whl/det/en/en_PP-OCRv3_det_infer.tar
    • ~/.paddleocr/whl/rec/en/en_PP-OCRv4_rec_infer.tar


I have modified the code from paddleOCR : function decode() at line 136 at paddleocr/ppocr/postprocess/

adding a argument raw_prob=None to it and modify the output from

result_list.append((text, np.mean(conf_list).tolist()))


    (text, np.mean(conf_list).tolist(), conf_list) if raw_prob is None
    else (text, np.mean(conf_list).tolist(), conf_list, raw_prob[batch_idx])

And, inside CTCLabelDecode __call__(), I also modify it from

text = self.decode(


text = self.decode(

For getting the logit



Using the command: python

  • Important Args:
    • --data_root : The root of dataset, should contain the following folders:

      1. sharp
      2. The blur folders

      e.g., ./dataset/tw_pos/train/

      └── dataset/
          └── tw_pos/
              └── train/
                  ├── sharp/
                  │   ├── 1.jpg
                  │   ├── 2.jpg
                  │   └── ...
                  ├── blur/
                  │   ├── 1.jpg
                  │   ├── 2.jpg
                  │   └── ...
                  ├── blur_little/
                  │   ├── 1.jpg
                  │   ├── 2.jpg
                  │   └── ...
                  ├── blur_mosiac/
                  │   ├── 1.jpg
                  │   ├── 2.jpg
                  │   └── ...
                  └── ...

      each folder should hold the image, only different level of blurring. (sharp is the target, should be all clear image)

      • --blur_aug : Specifies the kinds of blur to be used.

        • e.g., --blur_aug blur_mosaic blur blur_little, which will use the images in those 3 folders to pair with sharp images for training LPDGAN.
      • --n_epochs & --n_epochs_decay : The epochs that using origin lr and the epochs that using the decay the lr

      • --ave_epoch_freq : How many epoch should validate once

      • --model_save_root : The root to save model

      • --val_data_root : same as the description of --data_root in Evaluation part

      • label_file : same as the description in Evaluation part

E.g., python --model_save_root ./LPDGAN/checkpoints/exp --save_epoch_freq 10 --val_data_root ./dataset/third_party/blur/ --label_file ./dataset/third_party/label.json

Then it will save the epoch with the best validation OCR accuracy among the validated epochs.

Evaluation: Using OCR performance:

  • Since the downstream task involves OCR for license plate recognition, we use OCR accuracy (1 - CER) as the evaluation metric on deblurred license plate images. Image restoration metrics like SSIM, PSNR, and Perceptual Loss are not used in this evaluation.
    • python --label {the label file} --data_root {the root of test imgs} --deblur {the weights of trained SwinTrans_G} --deblur_ckpt_dir {the directory of the pretrained SwinTrans_G, with a default value}

    • e.g., python --data_root ./dataset/third_party/blur/ --label_file ./dataset/third_party/label.json --deblur

    • label_file:

      • A JSON object file where each key-value pair is in the format: filename:license_plate
        • e.g.:
          {"1.jpg":"AAA0000", "2.jpg":"BB111", ... }
    • data_root: The root directory where testing images are stored. During execution, each image filename in label_file will be combined with data_root to form the path for each test image.

      • e.g., --data_root ./dataset/third_party/blur/, with the sample label_file above, the full paths for images in will be ["./dataset/third_party/blur/1.jpg", "./dataset/third_party/blur/2.jpg", ...], and the labels will be generated in the order specified by label_file as ["AAA0000", "BB111", ...]

Validation on cruiser dataset

  • Number of validation license plate : 1485
LCS rate baseline OCR accuracy baseline
0.51 0.49

Abluation study for Text Extraction Module

  • For Text L1 Loss

  • On New dataset

  • Shared settings:

    Batch size inital lr epochs lr fix epochs lr linearly decay to 0 validation cycle
    15 $2\times 10^{-4}$ 100 100 5
Text Extraction Module LCS rate OCR accuracy
pretrained CRNN from easyocr 205 tmux 2 205 tmux 2
paddleOCR 205 tmux 3 205 tmux 3

Ablation study for Initial LR and Scheduling epochs

  • Shared settings:

    Batch size text extraction module validation cycle
    15 paddle OCR 5

Old dataset

initial lr epochs lr fix epochs lr linearly decay to 0 LCS rate OCR accuracy
$1\times 10^{-4}$ 100 100 126 tmux 8 126 tmux 8
$1\times 10^{-4}$ 50 150 TODO TODO
$2\times 10^{-4}$ 100 100 TODO TODO
$2\times 10^{-4}$ 50 150 126 tmux 4 126 tmux 4

New dataset

initial lr epochs lr fix epochs lr linearly decay to 0 LCS rate OCR accuracy
$1\times 10^{-4}$ 100 100 126 tmux 7 126 tmux 7
$1\times 10^{-4}$ 50 150 TODO TODO
$2\times 10^{-4}$ 100 100 205 tmux 3 205 tmux 3
$2\times 10^{-4}$ 50 150 126 tmux 3 126 tmux 3

Execution for License Plate Recognition


Refer to for examples.

Function: recognition_a_car() This function demonstrates how to recognize a car plate from a cropped image.


  • --img: Path to the cropped car image for license plate recognition.
  • --lp_yolo: Path to YOLOv8 model weights for license plate detection
    • default set.
  • --deblur: Use LPGAN for deblurring (flag: store_true).
  • --lpdgan: Path to pre-trained LPDGAN generator weights
    • default set
    • Please note that Providing only the lpdgan path will not suffice for deblurring. Deblurring will only be applied when the --deblur option is explicitly set.

The license plate recognition result is refered to recognition_a_car() txt string variable string variable.

Example: python --img ./dataset/cars/0.png --deblur

image of above demo command is from private data. If you would like to run the demo, please request access at the following link: Google Drive Link.

  • Please provide your identity and reason for requesting access.


This project utilizes code and resources from the following repositories:

We deeply appreciate the work of these developers and their contributions to the open-source community.


automatic license plate recognition for Taiwan license plates







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