:colourscheme --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lonepie/catppuccin-tridactyl/main/catppuccin.css catppuccin
- Fork the repo
- Edit CSS vars to change colors/font to your preference
- Use
:colourscheme --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/<user>/catppuccin-tridactyl/main/catppuccin.css catppuccin_custom
command to set your custom theme
--tridactyl-url-fg: var(--pink);
Change --pink
to the color you prefer.
Available colors correspond to catppuccin colors: pink, purple, red, etc...
Change the font:
--font: "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono";
Change to --font: "font-of-your-choice";
Based on base16-tridactyl