A personal task management app for professionals in the workforce. The project aimed to build a task management app that improves productivity of individuals at work. The goal is to design a task management app that combines a simple user interface with an easy user experience.
The aim was to design a task management app that combines a simple user interface with an easy user experience. In addition, gamification techniques were implemented to encourage users to complete task. The backend logic was created with Python and Django. First, I constructed the user and task models. In addition, I linked the models to views, and the views to URLs. Finally, I moved to the next phase of development. View API: https://todo-task-manager-api.herokuapp.com/
First, the research focused on the core functionality of a task management application to gain a thorough understanding of the project. Second, my colleagues and I worked together to build and organize a user flow diagram. Finally, I began with a low fidelity wireframe and continued to the next phase of the design. View prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/IaMObUnBXXtbZyVJTQ4EsG/Task-Manger?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=16%3A513&starting-point-node-id=18%3A319&show-proto-sidebar=1&scaling=scale-down