((real 'programs) have.curves)
Sexy is an object-oriented dialect of Lisp inspired by Scheme, Self, and Perl.
* Lisp-1
* tail-call optimization
* immutable global environment
* classless object machinery for easy composition and delegation
* delimited lexical scope
* first-class environments
* first-class delimited continuations
* object capability security on operating system interfaces
* restartable exceptions
* dirty Common-Lisp-style macros
* lexically scoped module import via HTTP
* parameterized, recursive modules
* generic procedures with predicate dispatch
* reader literals for text construction and variable interpolation
Detailed documentation lives in the wiki.
There's a TL;DR for those who want a broad overview.
For those who want examples, there are over 1500 lines of Sexy code in the tests directory.
(def foo
(proc (x y)
(* x y)))
(sys.stdout.say (foo 3 4))
; -> 12
(proc bar (x y)
(if opt.snazz
(list x y opt.snazz opt.snarf rest)
(list x y rest)))
(def baz
(bar 2 3)
(bar 2 3 4 5)
(bar 2 snazz: true 3 4 5)
(bar 2 snazz: true snarf: "Yarr!" 3 4 5)))
(let loop (x baz.head xs baz.tail)
(when x
(sys.say x)
(loop xs.head xs.tail))))
; ->
; (2 3 ())
; (2 3 (4 5))
; (2 3 true null (4 5))
; (2 3 true Yarr! (4 5))
(def fibby
(proc (x)
(if (< x 3)
(+ (fibby (- x 2)) (fibby (- x 1))))))
(def one-to-threen (range 1 13))
-> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13)
(def things (one-to-threen.map fibby))
-> (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233)
(def r (: x (+ 1 1) y (+ 1 2)))
(def new-dude
'type 'new-guy
'view (list 'new-guy things r.view)
'info (thunk (sys.say "Still alive!"))
'(info x y)
(list things 'map 'filter 'sort)
(list r 'x 'y))
(proc (msg)
(sys.say (cat "What means " msg \?)))))
-> (new-guy (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233) (record: y 3 x 2))
-> Still alive!
-> null
(new-dude.filter (proc (x) (< x 10)))
-> (1 1 2 3 5 8)
-> 2
-> 3
-> What means foonballardy?
-> null