Get 'nasm' assembler.
Set nasm to path variable for accessing it everywhere in the directories.
Get C compiler ( Clang , GCC , etc.)
Compile the assembly language file using the nasm assembler. Command => nasm -f {system type} -o {object file name} {input assembly file} Returns => Object file.
Compile the object file using the c compiler. Command => {compiler name} {object file name} -o {executable file}
Execute the file.
Download nasm and clang.
Set nasm as path variable.
Write assembly code specific for Windows 10 64-bit.
nasm -f win64 -o example.win64 example.asm
clang example.win64 -o example.exe
Get 'nasm' assembler.
Use nasm to compile down the code to generate .o (object file). command => nasm -f {system format} -o {output object file name} {input .asm file}
Convert object file (.o file) to executable file using linker. command => ld {input file name} -o {output file name}
Run the executable file:- command => ./{output file in step3}
sudo pacman -S nasm
nasm -f elf64 -o example.o example.asm
ld example.o -o example