A no-nonsense minimal starter template for Nuxt 3 that prioritizes a clean and customizable base for your projects. Ready for 2025!
- 🖥️ Shadcn-vue: Beautiful and accessible UI components built with Radix Vue, and Tailwind CSS.
- 🍍 Pinia Store: Lightweight state management solution.
- ⌨️ TypeScript: Enables type safety and improved development experience.
- 💨 Tailwind: Provides a utility-first CSS framework for rapid styling.
- 🛡️ Nuxt-Security: Automatically configure your app to follow OWASP security patterns and principles.
- 💾 Supabase (optional): Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. (See the supabase branch)
This starter template provides a clean foundation for your Nuxt 3 projects. Because of Nuxt's modularity you can remove any unwanted features and customize it to fit your specific needs.
Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more about Nuxt 3 and its features.
Here's a quick guide to get you started:
- Choose your version: If you want Supabase out of the box select the correct branch first
- Clone the repository: Clone this repository or download the zip file.
- Install dependencies: Run the appropriate installation command based on your package manager (npm, pnpm, yarn, or bun).
- Start the development server: Run the development server command to start the application locally on
. - Customize and develop: Remove any unwanted features or components and start building your application using Nuxt 3 functionalities.
Remember: This is a minimal starter template. Feel free to add additional features and functionalities as needed for your project.
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# npm
npm install
# pnpm
pnpm install
# bun
bun install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
# npm
npm run dev
# pnpm
pnpm run dev
# bun
bun run dev
Build the application for production:
# npm
npm run build
# pnpm
pnpm run build
# bun
bun run build
Locally preview production build:
# npm
npm run preview
# pnpm
pnpm run preview
# bun
bun run preview
Build the application for production:
# npm
npx shadcn-vue@latest add <COMPONENT_NAME e.g: Card>
# pnpm
pnpm dlx shadcn-vue@latest add <COMPONENT_NAME e.g: Drawer>
# bun
bunx --bun shadcn-vue@latest add <COMPONENT_NAME e.g: Slider>
Check out the deployment documentation for more information on deploying your Nuxt 3 application.
See the Shadcn-vue docs to see how to use it.
I hope you enjoy using NuxTya! If you have any feedback open an issue and I'll take a look.