In this sample, we show you how to integrate with school roles/roster data as well as O365 services available via the Graph API.
School data is kept in sync in O365 Education tenants by Microsoft School Data Sync.
Table of contents
- Sample Goals
- Prerequisites
- Generate a self-signed certificate
- Register the application in Azure Active Directory
- Run the sample locally
- Deploy the sample to Azure
- Understand the code
- Questions and comments
- Contributing
The sample demonstrates:
Calling Graph APIs, including:
Linking locally-managed user accounts and Office 365 (Azure Active Directory) user accounts.
After linking accounts, users can use either local or Office 365 accounts to log into the sample website and use it.
Getting schools, classes, teachers, and students from Office 365 Education:
- Office 365 Schools REST API reference
- A Differential Query is used to sync data that is cached in a local database by the SyncData Web Job.
This sample is implemented with the Python language and Django web framework.
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.
Deploying and running this sample requires:
An Azure subscription with permissions to register a new application, and deploy the web app.
An O365 Education tenant with Microsoft School Data Sync enabled
- One of the following browsers: Edge, Internet Explorer 9, Safari 5.0.6, Firefox 5, Chrome 13, or a later version of one of these browsers.
Additionally: Developing/running this sample locally requires the following:
A self-signed certificate is required by the SyncData WebJob. For preview, you may skip the steps below and use the default certificate we provided:
- Certificate file:
- Password:
- Key credential:
For production, you should use your own certificate:
Generate a certificate with PowerShell
Run PowerShell as administrator, then execute the commands below:
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -KeySpec Signature -Subject "CN=Edu App-only Cert" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(20) -CertStoreLocation "cert:\CurrentUser\My" -KeyLength 2048
Note: please keep the PowerShell window open until you finish the steps below.
Get keyCredential
Execute the commands below to get keyCredential:
Note: Feel free to change the file path at the end of the command.
$keyCredential = @{} $keyCredential.customKeyIdentifier = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($cert.GetCertHash()) $keyCredential.keyId = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $keyCredential.type = "AsymmetricX509Cert" $keyCredential.usage = "Verify" $keyCredential.value = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($cert.GetRawCertData()) $keyCredential | ConvertTo-Json > c:\keyCredential.txt
The keyCredential is in the generated file, and will be used to create App Registrations in AAD.
Export the certificate
$password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password" -AsSecureString Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $cert -Password $password -FilePath c:\app_only_cert.pfx
It will promote you to input a password. Keep the password and the exported certificate.
Sign into the new Azure portal:
Choose your Azure AD tenant by selecting your account in the top right corner of the page:
Click Azure Active Directory -> App registrations -> +Add.
Input a Name, and select Web app / API as Application Type.
Input Sign-on URL:*
Click Create.
Click Settings.
Click Properties, then set Multi-tenanted to Yes.
Copy aside Application ID, then Click Save.
Click Required permissions. Add the following permissions:
API Application Permissions Delegated Permissions Microsoft Graph Read all users' full profiles Read directory data
Access directory as the signed in user
Sign users in
Have full access to all files user can access
Have full access to user files
Read and write users' class assignments and their grades
Read users' view of the roster
Read all groupsWindows Azure Active Directory Sign in and read user profile
Read and write directory data -
Click Keys, then add a new key:
Click Save, then copy aside the VALUE of the key.
Close the Settings window.
Add keyCredential
The following softwares are required:
Download the source code.
with your certificate if you plan to use yours. -
Start your local MySQL and create a new database edu:
Configure the following environment variables:
ClientId: the Client Id of the app registration you created earlier.
ClientSecret: the Key value of the app registration you created earlier.
ClientCertificatePath: the path of the certificate. Please use the default value:
ClientCertificatePassword: the password of the certificate.
Note: the ClientCertificatePath and ClientCertificatePassword variables are only required by the WebJob.
SourceCodeRepositoryUrl: the URL of this repository.
MySQLHost/MySQLPort: the host and port of the MySQL server.
MySQLUser/MySQLPassword: the user and password of the MySQL server.
Open the terminal and navigate to the source code folder. Execute the command below:
pip install -r requirements.txt python migrate python runserver
Open in a browser.
Open terminal and navigate to
folder. Execute the command below:python
GitHub Authorization
Generate Token
- Open in your web browser.
- Sign into your GitHub account where you forked this repository.
- Click Generate Token
- Enter a value in the Token description text box
- Select the followings (your selections should match the screenshot below):
- repo (all) -> repo:status, repo_deployment, public_repo
- admin:repo_hook -> read:repo_hook
- Click Generate token
- Copy the token
Add the GitHub Token to Azure in the Azure Resource Explorer
- Open in your web browser.
- Log in with your Azure account.
- Selected the correct Azure subscription.
- Select Read/Write mode.
- Click Edit.
- Paste the token into the token parameter.
- Click PUT
Deploy the Azure Components from GitHub
Check to ensure that the build is passing VSTS Build.
Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
with your certificate if you plan to use yours. -
Click the Deploy to Azure Button:
Fill in the values in the deployment page and select the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above checkbox.
Resource group: we suggest you create a new group.
Site Name: please input a name. Like EDUGraphAPICanviz or EDUGraphAPI993.
Note: If the name you input is taken, you will get some validation errors:
Click it you will get more details like storage account is already in other resource group/subscription.
In this case, please use another name.
My Sql Administrator Login: The administrator login of the MySQL.
My Sql Administrator Login Password: The administrator login password of the MySQL.
Source Code Repository URL: replace with the repository name of your fork.
Source Code Manual Integration: choose false, since you are deploying from your own fork.
Client Id: use the Client Id of the app registration you created earlier.
Client Secret: use the Key value of the app registration you created earlier.
Client Certificate Path: keep the default value
. -
Client Certificate Password: password of the certificate.
Check I agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
Click Purchase.
Add REPLY URL to the app registration
After the deployment, open the resource group:
Click the web app.
Copy the URL aside, then append
. We get a new reply URL*
. -
Navigate to the app registration in the new Azure portal, then open the setting windows.
Add the reply URL:
Click SAVE.
Solution Component Diagram
Django comes with a user authentication system. It handles user accounts, groups, permissions and cookie-based user sessions. For more details, see Django authentication system.
Local users authentication is based on the built-in API:
O365 users authentication is implemented with Open ID Connect.
Data Access
In this sample, Django's built-in ORM is used to access data from the backend MySQL database.
Below are the tables:
Table | Description |
auth_user | Django built-in user table which contains users' authentication information: username, email, password... |
user_roles | Contains users' roles. Three roles are used in this sample: admin, teacher, and student. |
profiles | Contains users' extra information: favoriteColor, organization_id, o365UserId, and o365Email. The latter two are used to connect the local user with an O365 user. |
organizations | A row in this table represents a tenant in AAD. isAdminConsented column records if the tenant consented by an administrator. |
token_cache | Contains the users' access/refresh tokens. |
classroom_seating_arrangements | Contains the classroom seating arrangements data. |
data_sync_records | Stores data sync records like the delta link. |
Models are defined in /models/
Below are the views:
Path | Description |
/account/ | Contains views for users to register, login and logout. |
/admin/ | Contains administrative views like consent tenant, manage linked accounts. |
/link/ | Contains views used for link user accounts. |
/management/ | Contains views of the about me page. |
/schools/ | Contains education views, like schools, classes, and class details. |
The below decorators were used in this app:
Decorator | Description |
login_required | Only allow logged in users to access the protected resources. |
admin_only | Only allow admins to access the protected resources. |
linked_users_only | Only allow linked users to access the protected resources. |
The services used by the server side app:
Service | Description |
UserService | Contains method used to manipulate users in the database. |
LinkService | Contains method used to link user accounts. |
AuthService | Contains methods used for authorization and authentication. |
AADGraphService | Contains methods used to access AAD Graph APIs. |
MSGraphService | Contains methods used to access MS Graph APIs. |
EducationService | Contains two methods to access Education REST APIs. |
TokenService | Contains method used to get and update tokens from the database |
The services are in the /services folder.
catches RefreshTokenException
thrown by TokenService
when refresh token does not exist or expired. Then it redirects the user to a page to let the user re-login.
Multi-tenant app
This web application is a multi-tenant app. In the AAD, we enabled the option:
Users from any Azure Active Directory tenant can access this app. Some permissions used by this app require an administrator of the tenant to consent before users can use the app. Otherwise, users will see this error:
For more information, see Build a multi-tenant SaaS web application using Azure AD & OpenID Connect.
SyncData WebJob
The sync data WebJob is a standalone Python app. It is located in /webjobs/sync_data
folder and will be deployed to /App_Data/jobs/triggered/
folder of the Web App after the deployment.
This app was created to demonstrate differential query. Please check Differential query section for more details.
The Office 365 Education APIs return data from any Office 365 tenant which has been synced to the cloud by Microsoft School Data Sync. The APIs provide information about schools, classes, teachers, students, and rosters. The Schools REST API provides access to school entities in Office 365 for Education tenants.
In this sample, the Microsoft.Education Class Library project encapsulates the Office 365 Education API.
The EducationServiceClient is the core class of the library. It is used to easily get education data.
Get schools
def get_schools(self):
url = self.api_base_uri + 'education/schools'
return self.rest_api_service.get_object_list(url, self.access_token, model=School)
def get_school(self, object_id):
url = self.api_base_uri + 'education/schools/%s' % school_id
return self.rest_api_service.get_object(url, self.access_token, model=School)
Get classes
def get_classes(self, school_id, top=12, nextlink=''):
skiptoken = self._get_skip_token(nextlink)
url = self.api_base_uri + "education/schools/%s/classes?$expand=schools&$top=%s&skiptoken=%s" % (school_id, top, skiptoken)
return self.rest_api_service.get_object_list(url, self.access_token, model=Section, next_key='odata.nextLink')
def get_class(self, class_id):
Get a section by using the object_id.
<param name="object_id">The Object ID of the section.</param>
url = self.api_base_uri + "education/classes/%s" % class_id
return self.rest_api_service.get_object(url, self.access_token, model=Class)
Manage Assignments
def get_assignments(self,class_id):
Get assignments of a class.
url = self.api_base_uri + 'education/classes/' +class_id + "/assignments"
return self.rest_api_service.get_object_list(url, self.access_token, model=Assignment)
def add_assignment(self,class_id,name,dueDateTime):
url = self.api_base_uri + 'education/classes/' +class_id + "/assignments"
return self.rest_api_service.post_json(url,self.access_token,None,data)
def get_Assignment_Resources(self,class_id,assignment_id):
url = self.api_base_uri + "education/classes/"+class_id+"/assignments/"+assignment_id+"/resources";
return self.rest_api_service.get_object_list(url, self.access_token, model=AssignmentResource)
Below are some screenshots of the sample app that show the education data.
A differential query request returns all changes made to specified entities during the time between two consecutive requests. For example, if you make a differential query request an hour after the previous differential query request, only the changes made during that hour will be returned. This functionality is especially useful when synchronizing tenant directory data with an application’s data store.
The related code is in /webjobs/sync_data/
Below is the log generated by the SyncData WebJob:
[05/10/2018 10:09:01 > 35fbc4: INFO] D:\local\Temp\jobs\triggered\sync_data\ffdz2cvn.5q5>D:\home\python353x64\python.exe
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: INFO] Starting to sync users for the Canviz EDU organization.
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: INFO] Executing Differential Query
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: INFO] Get 1 user(s).
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: INFO] Updating user: [email protected]
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: INFO] Job title: Chief Technology Officer
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: INFO] Department: IT
[05/10/2018 10:09:05 > 35fbc4: SYS INFO] Status changed to Success
There are 4 authentication flows in this project.
The first 2 flows (Local Login/O365 Login) enable users to login in with either a local account or an Office 365 account, then link to the other type account. This procedure is implemented in the LinkController.
Local Login Authentication Flow
O365 Login Authentication Flow
Admin Login Authentication Flow
This flow shows how an administrator logs into the system and performs administrative operations.
After logging into the app with an Office 365 account, the administrator will be asked to link to a local account. This step is not required and can be skipped.
As mentioned earlier, the web app is a multi-tenant app which uses some application permissions, so tenant administrator must consent the app first.
This flow is implemented in the AdminController.
Application Authentication Flow
This flow is implemented in the SyncData WebJob.
An X509 certificate is used. For more details, please check the following links:
- Daemon or Server Application to Web API
- Authenticating to Azure AD in daemon apps with certificates
- Build service and daemon apps in Office 365
There are two distinct Graph APIs used in this sample:
Azure AD Graph API | Microsoft Graph API | |
Description | The Azure Active Directory Graph API provides programmatic access to Azure Active Directory through REST API endpoints. Apps can use the Azure AD Graph API to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on directory data and directory objects, such as users, groups, and organizational contacts | A unified API that also includes APIs from other Microsoft services like Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, Planner, and Office Graph, all accessed through a single endpoint with a single access token. |
Client | Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient | Install-Package Microsoft.Graph |
End Point | | |
API Explorer | | |
IMPORTANT NOTE: Microsoft is investing heavily in the new Microsoft Graph API, and they are not investing in the Azure AD Graph API anymore (except fixing security issues).
Therefore, please use the new Microsoft Graph API as much as possible and minimize how much you use the Azure AD Graph API.
Below is a piece of code shows how to get group documents from the Microsoft Graph API.
def get_documents(self, object_id):
url = self.api_base_uri + 'groups/%s/drive/root/children' % object_id
return self.rest_api_service.get_object_list(url, self.access_token, model=Document)
Note that in the AAD Application settings, permissions for each Graph API are configured separately:
- If you have any trouble running this sample, please log an issue.
- Questions about GraphAPI development in general should be posted to Stack Overflow. Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with [ms-graph-api].
We encourage you to contribute to our samples. For guidelines on how to proceed, see our contribution guide.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft. All rights reserved.