This repository contains a Langium and LLVM based implementation of the Ox language, a subset of the Lox language.
The main purpose of the Ox language is to show how Langium and LLVM can be used together to get an executable and debuggable language. In the screenshot below, you can see the VSCode window where a factorial program written in Ox language is running in debug mode.

The implementation includes:
- Ox grammar and LSP services generated by Langium
- LLVM IR and Debug Information (DI) generator
- depends on llvm-bindings, a binding library for calling the LLVM API in TypeScript
- CLI for the LLVM IR code generation
Code samples in Ox are located in the ./examples
- Install the library llvm-bindings
- to generate LLVM IR and DI
- Compile the Ox language and other sources
npm i
npm run langium:generate
npm run build
- Install the CodeLLDB extension
- to debug Ox in VSCode and not using the debugger CLI
- Run the Ox IDE using the VSCode
Run Extension
launch config - Open the
folder. It has.ox
files and its own VSCode launch config - Open any
file in the editor, set a breakpoint, and use theDebug
launch config
- make sure that the VSCode
Debug: Allow Breakpoints Everywhere
flag is set to true
- Generate
with LLVM IR and DI for./examples/factorial.ox
node ./bin/cli.js generate ./examples/basic.ox -d ./examples/dbg
- Compile
into an executable./examples/dbg/out
in debug mode
clang -g ./examples/dbg/factorial.ll -o ./examples/dbg/out
- To execute
- To debug using the LLDB debugger CLI
lldb ./examples/dbg/out
(lldb) b 3 # sets the breakpoint on line 3
(lldb) r # runs the program
(lldb) print n # prints the value of the variable n
(lldb) next # go to the next line 4
(lldb) q # quit the debugger