This is a small MAVLink JS library wrapper that provides a more streamlined access to it, patches the original MAVLink library to prevent certain bugs and also adds tests for some particularly touchy functions.
var mavjs = require('mavlink-js');
// Prepare your connection stream (serial, UDP, etc.):
const systemConn = new mavjs.UdpConnection("", 14550);
// Get broker object
const broker = new mavjs.MavlinkSystemBroker(systemConn);
// Access all available systems
let systems = broker.getSystems();
systems.forEach((system, index) => {
console.log(`Got system ${system.sysId}`);
// OR: Get notified when a system connects
broker.on('newSystem', function(system) {
console.log(`Got system ${system.sysId}`);
// OR: Get the universal system to access all data if you don't worry about multiple different systems
system = broker.getUniversalSystem();
console.log(`Got universal system ${system.sysId}`); // is ID 0
var mavjs = require('mavlink-js');
// Prepare your connection stream (serial, UDP, etc.):
var connection = mavjs.SerialConnection("/dev/tty.usbmodem01", 57600);
// The connection needs to define a "send" function to allow writing of data to the connection
// and emit a "data" event when receiving data.
// mavlink-js provides 2 simple implementations: mavjs.SerialConnection and mavjs.UdpConnection
// Create the Mavlink wrapper object providing at least:
// system ID, component ID, send data callback
var mavlib = new mavjs.MavlinkLib(255, 0, (buffer) => {
// Forward data for parsing when it comes in:
connection.on('data', function(data) {
// Receive successfully parsed messages:
mavlib.on('message', function(msg) {
// Receive specific successfully parsed messages:
mavlib.on('HEARTBEAT', function(msg) {
// Send a message:
var msg = new mavjs.messages.heartbeat(
mavjs.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GCS, // type
mavjs.mavlink.MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID, // autopilot
0, // base mode
0, // custom mode
mavjs.mavlink.MAV_STATE_ACTIVE, // system status
var mavlib = mavjs.MavlnkLib(...);
// Read parameter value from received MAVLink message
var value = mavlib.readParamValue(msg);
// Create int param_set message
var msg = mavlib.createParamSetMessage("MAV_TEST_PAR", 123, false);
// Create float param_set message
var msg = mavlib.createParamSetMessage("MAV_HUD_FREQ", 5.354, true);
# Generate from definitions:
cd mavlink
./pymavlink/tools/ --lang JavaScript_Stable --wire-protocol 2.0 -o ../mavlink_js_library_v2_private/src/mavlink/mavlink.js message_definitions/v1.0/standard.xml
cd ../mavlink_js_library_v2_private
# Execute patch script and run tests:
npm test
# If tests were successful commit update:
git commit -a
git push