This scrollable explainer shows the current financial struggle of UBC CS graduate students.
This project is a fork of vlandham's scroll_demo and the visualizations are created with D3 V4.
- assets: external images.
- css: stylesheets. Mainly refer to vlandham's scroll_demo but have been changed a lot.
- data: datasets used in visualizations.
- js: javascripts.
- scroller.js: handles the logic of scroller. We does not change anything from the original version.
- sections.js: bridges the scroller and the content. This is where the majority of our work sits and contains all the visualizations used in the explainer.
- lib: d3v4 library.
- index.html: main page where the content of the explainer sits.
You can access the page directly here.
The cost of living data can be found here: This data was removed for privacy reason.
The university comparison data can be found here:
This project was completed as part of Dr. Tamara Munzner's 2022WT1 CPSC 547 course at UBC.