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Jim Barnes edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Athena-Shortcodes-Plugin wiki! This documentation is intended for anyone adding content to a site with this plugin activated, and for developers that maintain sites using it.

This documentation assumes a basic understanding of WordPress and how to create and manage content. If you're new to WordPress, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the basics until you're comfortable with using the admin interface.

About this plugin

The Athena-Shortcodes-Plugin is a WordPress plugin developed by UCF Web Communications, this plugin provides shortcodes that support the use of the Athena Framework.

Available Shortcodes

Elementor Settings

Some plugins, like Elementor, utilize WordPress's the_content filter in ways that can cause unexpected behavior with this plugin. In particular, we run content stored in ACF WYSIWYG fields through the built-in the_content filter by default. However, Elementor uses the_content to inject its page content. This can result in strange effects, like the contents of a custom header being replaced by the Elementor content.

To avoid this conflict, it is recommend to check the setting within the Athena Shortcode Settings labelled "Disable the_content rerouting on ACF WYSYWYG fields". This will cause WYSIWYG fields to be formatted using ACF's filters.

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