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Example Python Package Repository. This repository serves as an example of how to set up a Python repository for UCSD Engineers for Exploration.


This folder should contain at least a launch.json file that provides entry points into the package. This could be entry points to example programs, typical debug entry points, etc. Ideally, this will also contain a settings.json with folder specific VS Code settings.

Python Packages

Almost all code should be organized into packages. This facilitates easy code reuse. See for more information on how to use packages in Python.


Tests should ideally be kept in an isolated folder. This example uses pytest, see for information on how to use pytest.


This is an important file to put into your git repositories. This helps prevent git from including unnecessary files into the version control system, such as generated files, environment files, or log files.

Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks are a great way to add interactive reports or documentation. There is an example here.


This is created by going to File->Save Workspace As in VS Code. This allows us to easily open the same development environment across computers and operating systems. Use this as the root of your development environment.

You'll also notice here that there are some recommended extensions. This allows everyone on your team to have a consistent toolchain for how to interact with your code. See for instructions for how to configure these.

This is a critical file to include. This should be an introduction to your repository. It should be a birds-eye view of what your repo is and how to use it, with links to the appropriate lower-level documentation.

This is the original way to package Python projects, which we probably still prefer. However, in general, if you can, you should probably start using the newer packaging tools (pyproject.toml)

See and for more information about each tool.

Installing for developers

Developers should do the following:

# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv

# Activate the virtual environment
.venv/Scripts/activate.ps1   # for Windows PowerShell
.venv/Scripts/activate.bat   # for Windows Command Prompt
source .venv/bin/activate    # for bash

# Install in developer mode
python -m pip install -e .[dev]