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Smartfin Publish Data Format

Nathan Hui edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 3 revisions

Key Definitions

  • session: refers to the time interval when fin starts recording to when the fin stops recording (i.e. surf session), also a single file of data on the fin
  • ensemble: referring to each "point", since each "point" may contain multiple discrete "measurements". There are multiple ensemble types (corresponding to different IDs such as Temp, IMU, GPS, Temp+IMU, Battery, etc.) that occur at various rates.
  • measurement: a specific sensor value
  • packet: raw binary blob of max 496 bytes containing at least 1 ensemble.
  • record: base85/base64 encoded packet. We would like to avoid Event because it has a technical definition when we think about task scheduling and programming.


Smartfin Records MUST consist of binary data (Smartfin Packet) encoded in Base85. All data format specifications in this document are referencing the raw binary format (not Base85 encoded).

Packets MUST NOT exceed 496 bytes due to the limitation of the Particle publish API. This results in a maximum base85 encoded Record of 620 characters.

Packets MUST consist of concatenated ensembles followed by zero padding to reach the 496 byte packet size.

Each ensemble MUST consist of a three byte (24-bit) header denoting the ensemble type and time followed by a variable length payload. Ensemble types are defined below.

Integer Types

Type Length (bytes) Description Byte Endianness
U8 1 Unsigned 8 bit integer Little/Big
<U16 2 Unsigned 16 bit integer Little
<U32 4 Unsigned 32 bit integer Little
<U64 8 Unsigned 64 bit integer Little
S8 1 Signed 8 bit integer Little/Big
<S16 2 Signed 16 bit integer Little
<S32 4 Signed 32 bit integer Little
<S64 8 Signed 64 bit integer Little
F32 4 IEEE single precision float
F64 8 IEEE double precision float
C[N] N N-array of signed 8-bit chars
B[N] N N-array of unsigned 8-bit ints
>U16 2 Unsigned 16 bit integer Big
>U32 4 Unsigned 32 bit integer Big
>U64 8 Unsigned 64 bit integer Big
>S16 2 Signed 16 bit integer Big
>S32 4 Signed 32 bit integer Big
>S64 8 Signed 64 bit integer Big

Ensemble Header

Message Offset Description Type
0x00 Data Type/Time LSB U8
0x01 Time MSB >U16

Bitwise, this is as follows:

  • 23:20 - Time MSB
  • 19:16 - Data Type
  • 15:0 - Time MSB

Ensemble Type/Time LSB

The data type lives in the least significant 4 bits of the first byte. The most significant 4 bits of the first byte are the most significant 4 bits of the time field.

Ensemble Block Time

The 20 bit Data Block Time field represents the time in tenths of a second since the start of the recording.

Ensemble Types

Ensemble Type Ensemble ID Data Payload Length
Temperature 1 2
IMU 2 3
GPS 3 0
Temperature + IMU 4 5
Temperature + GPS 5 0
Temperature + IMU + GPS 6 13
Battery 7 2
Temperature + Epoch 8 6
IMUx3 9 18
Temperature + IMUx3 10 20
Temperature + IMUx3 + GPS 11 28
Text 15 Variable

Temperature (0x01)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw Temperature >S16

There are two temperature sensor sources. If the temperature source is from the IMU, then the scaled temperature can be retrieved with RAW_TEMP / 333.87 + 21.0. Otherwise, the scaled temperature can be retrieved with RAW_TEMP / 128.0.

If the temperature is < 0, then the water detect pin did not detect water, and the real temperature in degrees C is SCALED_TEMP + 100. Otherwise, the water detect pin did detect water, and the real temperature in degrees C is SCALED_TEMP.

IMU (0x02)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw X Acceleration S8
0x01 Raw Y Acceleration S8
0x02 Raw Z Acceleration S8

To convert to acceleration in multiples of Earth gravity, use RAW_ACC / 64.

GPS (0x03)


Temperature + IMU (0x04)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw Temperature >S16
0x02 Raw X Acceleration S8
0x03 Raw Y Acceleration S8
0x04 Raw Z Acceleration S8

See Data ID 0x01 and 0x02 for descriptions of the data fields.

Temperature + GPS (0x05)


Temperature + IMU + GPS (0x06)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw Temperature >S16
0x02 Raw X Acceleration S8
0x03 Raw Y Acceleration S8
0x04 Raw Z Acceleration S8
0x05 Latitude (deg * 1e6) >S32
0x09 Longitude (deg * 1e6) >S32

See Data ID 0x01 and 0x02 for descriptions of the temperature and acceleration data fields.

Battery (0x07)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Battery Voltage (mV) >U16

Temperature + Epoch (0x08)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw Temperature >S16
0x02 Time (seconds since Unix epoch) >U32

See Data ID 0x01 for description of the raw temperature data field

IMUx3 (0x09)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Scaled X Acceleration >S16
0x02 Scaled Y Acceleration >S16
0x04 Scaled Z Acceleration >S16
0x06 Scaled X Angular Velocity >S16
0x08 Scaled Y Angular Velocity >S16
0x0A Scaled Z Angular Velocity >S16
0x0C Scaled X Magnetic Field >S16
0x0E Scaled Y Magnetic Field >S16
0x10 Scaled Z Magnetic Field >S16

Accelerations are in g scaled to Q14 (scaled up by 16384). ACC = SCALED_ACC / 16384.

Angular velocity in degrees per second is ANG_VEL = SCALED_ANG_VEL / 131.072.

Magnetic field in uT is MAG = SCALED_MAG * 0.15

Temperature + IMUx3 (0x0A)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw Temperature >S16
0x02 Scaled X Acceleration >S16
0x04 Scaled Y Acceleration >S16
0x06 Scaled Z Acceleration >S16
0x08 Scaled X Angular Velocity >S16
0x0A Scaled Y Angular Velocity >S16
0x0C Scaled Z Angular Velocity >S16
0x0E Scaled X Magnetic Field >S16
0x10 Scaled Y Magnetic Field >S16
0x12 Scaled Z Magnetic Field >S16

See Data ID 0x01 and 0x09 for descriptions of data fields.

Temperature + IMUx3 + GPS (0x0B)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 Raw Temperature >S16
0x02 Scaled X Acceleration >S16
0x04 Scaled Y Acceleration >S16
0x06 Scaled Z Acceleration >S16
0x08 Scaled X Angular Velocity >S16
0x0A Scaled Y Acceleration >S16
0x0C Scaled Z Acceleration >S16
0x0E Scaled X Magnetic Field >S16
0x10 Scaled Y Magnetic Field >S16
0x12 Scaled Z Magnetic Field >S16
0x14 Latitude (deg * 1e6) >S32
0x18 Longitude (deg * 1e6) >S32

See Data ID 0x01 and 0x09 for descriptions of temperature and IMU data fields.

Text (0x0F)

Payload Offset Description Type
0x00 String Length (N) U8
0x01 Text Data C[N]