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Full spatial calibration on 14 parameters with tutorial Notebook (#286)
* Executions (no changes) * Execute Notebooks to verify whether they still work Note that the json files needed to run these files had to be added manually! * Create Notebook to explore the localised vaccinations in a model * Add vaccination and VOC parameters to spatial model * Update Proximus mobility data * Explicitly add cp1252 encoding to read_csv Check encoding in Python: * Add steepness parameter k to VOC function for delta variant * Update raw Sciensano data * Add more documentation and partially add framework for VOC and vaccination * Copy all parameters for VOC and vaccination simulation from national model * Add comment on four lines that don't do jack * Add some lines in the spatial vaccination * Rename spatial model class to COVID19_SEIRD_spatial_vacc * Solve confusion with scalar e_i versus vector e_i * Ignore results from second-wave calibration with manually tweaked init cond * Make vaccination parameters vectors rather than scalars * Add output figures from calibration with manually tweaked init cond * Start changing the ODEs for doubled spatial vacc model, and comment-out previous spatial vacc model * Change all e_i scalars to e_i_eff etc. * Final changes to the ODEs in the spatial vacc model * Delete previous spatial vacc model * Execute Notebook up until error occurs * Execute Notebook * Add (again) the default spatial model * Creater corner plot of latest wave-2 calibration (poor fit result though ...) * Adjust Notebook * Add extra note to Notebook * Add explanatory comment for optional argument * Fix problem with truth value of optional data argument * Change __init__ of vaccination_function to also handle spatial data * Add try-except procedure in __init__ and replace all df_sciensano --> df * Make sure that the start_week values are read as Timestamp objects * Add read_coordinates_nis import * Update all dataframes when update=True, and read from separate CSVs (faster!) * Delete superfluous CSV (split in three new CSVs) * Add three separate CSVs with vaccination data for faster read-in times * Change description of interim vaccination data file * Update raw vaccination data from the internet * Fix bug with placement in try-except statement of vaccination function * Create plot of vaccination per age and per place * Rename and order Notebook * Fix problem with wrong age extrapolation in vaccination function * Fix bug in time determination of vaccination function * Add new paragraph for spatial case in vaccination function future scenarios * Clean up the notebook and start initialising the model * Make age and space stratification number more elegant in code * Make visual representation of plot a bit nicer and more compact * Fix correct parameter names and change e_h to e_h_eff * Change hard-coded 9 to overarching age class number * Delete print thingie * Make a preliminary simulation and show vaccinated people from this simulation * Execute Quick-update for mobility * Add simulation plot and complete simulation (from start of pandemic) * Update national Sciensano data * Subtract number of recovered people that get vaccinated (forgotten before!) * Save figures locally for Overleaf presentation * Simplify dS_v formula * Add reason for keeping the D_v category (in comment) * Add some more comments in the spatial vaccination model * Nothing much, must simple execution * Update Google Mobility Data * Update mobility data graph * Execute Notebooks with newest data * Update Proximus mobility visualisation between Antwerp and Brussels * Add seasonality between 2020-01 and 2021-09 * Add visualisations of vaccination degree and VOC presence * Create new hospitalisation and vaccination plots * Fix typo * Slightly alter hospitalisation image * Slightly alter vaccination image * Add seasonality per transmission coefficient (bad idea I think) * Add seasonality factor to spatial vaccination model * Add calibration over all dates without seasonality * Minor changes * Update wrong figure * Create better seasonality figure * Show smoothened function with data (better than previous one) * Add line to save fig * Add function to handle dates before Sept 2020 in policies_WAVE2_full_relaxation * Add line to deal with social contact behaviour before Sept 2020 * Add policies_all to contact function * Save bad PSO output * Add comments on how to include spatially stratified contact matrices * Delete local fictitious vaccination strategy functions * Create Notebook for full-pandemic calibration of spatial model * Rename Notebook to the core of what it is used for (show graphs of VOC/vacc) * id update (not sure, minor stuff) * Delete policies_WAVE1 (outside class) and create class make_seasonality_function * Fix typo * Finalise Notebook for spatial calibration on full data set * Create script to run full spatial calibration on HPC * Manually overwrite nwalkers * Plot new timeline (for analysis paper) * Add image demonstrating Proximus coverage (with one arr missing) * Create small Notebook to plot Proximus coverage * Adapt Notebook showing full calibration procedure (copied to .py script) * Adapt Notebook for social contact visualisation * Executions only * Comment out "if __main__" statement * Change label subscript to superscript * Create corner plot of test calibration * Add full-pandemic calibration post-processing * Add test output (can be deleted, in fact) Co-authored-by: Michiel Rollier <[email protected]>
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