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How to Package a Release for Inclusion in the PKP Gallery

John Barneson edited this page Sep 15, 2023 · 5 revisions

Creating a release of the gopher theme involves two things:

  1. Creating a release in the OJS Gopher Theme repository. This is accomplished under Releases -> Draft a new release. Just use the main branch for the release. The other important piece is the downloadable tarball. You need to add a downloadable tar.gz file under Assets. Follow the directions below to create the file.
  2. Updating the plugins.xml file in the Plugin Gallery repository. This is a fork of the main plugins.xml file at PKP that tracks the entire plugin gallery for PKP software. You create a pull request from the forked repo against the main repo and your release information is updated to the XML file.

Creating a release for the PKP Gallery

From Your Local Copy of this Repository

  1. Commit your local changes and push to ojs-gopher-theme
  2. Copy the ojs-gopher-theme directory and rename it gopher. cp -r ojs-gopher-theme/ gopher/
  3. Create a zipped tar file of the above gopher directory and incorporate the release version, e.g. gtar -czv -f gopher-1_0_2-0.tar.gz gopher/
  4. Get a MD5 checksum of the above tar.gz file for inclusion in the plugins.xml file. md5 gopher-1_0_2-0.tar.gz

From the Plugin Gallery Repository

  1. From the Plugin Gallery repository open the plugins.xml file for editing.
  2. Search for 'gopher' and you'll see the plugin release section. Add a new release at the end of the xml segment in the following format: <release date="2023-09-12" version="" md5="41f93371abfe5816bf949c9e852dc4ab"> <package></package> <compatibility application="ojs2"> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> <version></version> </compatibility> <description locale="en">Template and language fixes in locale.po.</description> <description locale="en_US">Template and language fixes in locale.po.</description> </release>
  3. Once you have the release XML finished then commit your changes.
  4. Now create a pull request against the main branch from your forked branch.
  5. This will trigger automated testing on the main repository. If these tests pass then PKP will merge the pull request.
  6. The gtar utility seems to work best, especially on Macs. It's important not to commit Mac resource fork files like .DS_Store into the forked repository.