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Gerd Behrmann

Marius Mikučionis

  1. What is libutap
  2. Compiling
  3. Simple use
  4. Parsing trace files
  5. Architecture
  6. Issues

1. What is libutap

libutap is the Uppaal Timed Automata Parser. Uppaal is an integrated tool environment for designing, simulating and verifying real time systems modeled as extended timed automata. libutap is the parser for Uppaal documents.

libutap has the ability to parse and type check Uppaal models in any of the three file formats supported by Uppaal.

libutap is licensed under the LGPL.

2. Compiling

Use cmake to compile libutap easily for various platforms. You will need GCC version 10 or newer, Ninja or GNU make, and libxml2 from XMLSoft (at least version 2.6.10).

Install the developer tools:

sudo apt-get install g++ ninja-build cmake

Install the tools and libraries:

sudo apt-get install flex bison libxml2-dev doctest-dev

Configure UTAP:

cmake . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$MYPATH -G Ninja # to install to $MYPATH, e.g. /usr/local

Compile UTAP:

cmake --build build

Run unit tests:

cd build

Install UTAP to $MYPATH:

cmake --install build

Compile from scratch (almost)

Alternatively compile the bison and libraries for your target platform (see cmake/toolchain/*.cmake for list), e.g.:

./getlibs/getlibs.bash linux64

Compile and test UTAP:

./ linux64

For other platforms please see script:

./ [linux64] [linux64-gcc10] [linux32] [win64] [win32] [darwin] [darwin-brew-gcc10]


  • win64 requires x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ from MinGW-w64 (either from Linux distribution or MSYS2).

  • win32 requires i686-w64-mingw32-g++ from MinGW-w64 (either from Linux distribution or MSYS2).

  • linux32 requires g++-multilib.

  • darwin requires XCode and its Command Line Tools installed.

  • darwin-brew-gcc10 in addition to XCode requires gcc-10 with

  • getlibs script requires sha256sum from coreutils (then add /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin to PATH).

3. Simple Use Case

There are two ways one can use the library. In its simplest form, one calls one of the top level parsing functions defined in utap/utap.h, e.g. example.cpp:

#include "utap/utap.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
    UTAP::Document doc;
    int res = parse_XML_file("myfile.xml", &doc, true);
    std::cout << "Result: " << res << std::endl;

The first argument is the file to read. The second is the output of the parser and the third is a flag indicating whether we want to use the new or the old syntax (the old syntax is the one used in Uppaal 3.4, the new is the one that will be used since Uppaal 3.6).

After the call to parse_XML_file, one can access the network of timed automata in the system variable. Take a look at utap/system.h to see what kind of structures you can access. Distribution also includes pretty.cpp for pretty-printing model files. See also doxygen API documentation in doc/api/index.html.

Use the following command to compile the example:

g++ example.cpp -o example -lutap -lxml2

If UTAP was configured with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$MYPATH to install in custom location then use the following to compile:

g++ -I$MYPATH/include example.cpp -o example -L$MYPATH/lib -lutap -lxml2

Use Case with CMake

Add the following CMakeLists.txt build script:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
project(Example CXX)


find_package(UTAP 2.1.0 QUIET)

if (utap_FOUND)
  message(STATUS "Found UTAP preinstalled.")
  message(STATUS "Failed to find UTAP, will fetch and compile from source.")
    GIT_TAG v2.1.0      # fetches version 2.1.0, alternatively try 'main' branch
    GIT_SHALLOW TRUE  # get only the last commit version
    GIT_PROGRESS TRUE # show progress of download
    USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD TRUE # show progress in ninja generator

Then the UTAP can be linked with example like this:

add_executable(example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE UTAP)


cmake -B build .


cmake --build build



4. Parsing Uppaal Trace Files

verifyta utility from Uppaal distribution (bin-* folder) is able to print traces in human readable format (see verifyta -h and in particular keys -t and -f, also -X can produce xml).

If a custom format or some kind of transformation is needed, UTAP includes tracer utility which can parse and print trace files in human readable form. The source is included, thus the output can be modified accordingly.

First, tracer needs an .if file -- an intermediate format representation of the same model that was used to produce the trace. The .if file is produced by verifyta utility from Uppaal distribution:

UPPAAL_COMPILE_ONLY=1 verifyta model.xml > model.if

Then tracer can be applied as follows:

tracer model.if trace.xtr

5. Architecture

The following ASCII figure shows the initial information flow through the library.

 |    |\
 |    +-\
 |      |   --> libxml2 --[SAX-interface]--> ""
 | .xml |                                         |
 |      |                                         |
 +------+                                         |
 +----\                                           |
 |    |\                                          |
 |    +-\                                         v
 | .ta  |                            +--------------------------+
 | .xta |   -----------------------> | bison parser (parser.yy) |
 |      |                            +--------------------------+
 +------+                                           |
 +------+                                           |
 |      |                                           |
 | TAS  |                                           |
 |      |      +---------------+                    |
 |      | <--- | SystemBuilder |<--[ParserBuilder]--/
 |      |      +---------------+

The BNF implemented by the bison generated parser is split into several sections and to some extend duplicated for the old and new syntax. It can read .ta and .xta files directly. XML files are read using the libxml2 library. Each text-block in the XML file is then parser wrt. the BNF for that block (see xmlreader.cpp). For this, the bison generated parser is reused.

The parser calls methods in the abstract ParserBuilder class. The methods in the ParserBuilder class are implemented by the SystemBuilder class which is a subclass of ExpressionBuilder which is a subclass of AbstractBuilder. The SystemBuilder writes the model to an instance of the TimedAutomataSystem (TAS) class.

The design abstracts the differences between the .xml, .xta and .ta input formats and also hides the differences between the 3.4 and 3.6/4.0 formats from any implementation of the ParserBuilder interface (for equivalent input the parser will call the same methods in the ParserBuilder class).

A TAS object represents the templates, variables, locations, transitions and processes of a model. Symbols are represented by symbol_t objects (see the API documentation). A symbol is a name (a string) with a type. The type is represented by a type_t object. Symbols are grouped into frames (represented by frame_t objects). Frames are used to represent scopes and other collections of symbols such as records or parameters of templates and functions.

All expressions are represented using a tree structure where the leaves represent values or variables and the inner nodes represent operations. Each node is referenced using an expression_t object.

6. Issues

Please use the Issues tab at the top to report problems.