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Merge pull request #144 from UQ-PAC/lattice-types
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Analysis Cleanup and Explicit Types
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l-kent authored Nov 23, 2023
2 parents 5711c4d + e76fa4d commit 53a2647
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Showing 13 changed files with 675 additions and 1,201 deletions.
342 changes: 120 additions & 222 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/Analysis.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

227 changes: 63 additions & 164 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/BitVectorEval.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

568 changes: 165 additions & 403 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/Cfg.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

23 changes: 10 additions & 13 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/Dependencies.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,25 +10,22 @@ trait Dependencies[N]:
* @return
* the elements that depend on the given element
def outdep(n: N, intra: Boolean): Set[N]
def outdep(n: N): Set[N]

/** Incoming dependencies. Used when computing the join from predecessors.
* @param n
* an element from the worklist
* @return
* the elements that the given element depends on
def indep(n: N, intra: Boolean): Set[N]
def indep(n: N): Set[N]

/** Dependency methods for forward analyses.
trait ForwardDependencies extends Dependencies[CfgNode]:

/* TODO: add functionality here for distinguishing between Intra / Inter */

// Also add support for getting edges / conditions here?
def outdep(n: CfgNode, intra: Boolean = true): Set[CfgNode] =
if intra then n.succ(intra).toSet else n.succ(intra).toSet.union(n.succ(!intra).toSet)
trait InterproceduralForwardDependencies extends Dependencies[CfgNode] {
def outdep(n: CfgNode): Set[CfgNode] = n.succInter.toSet
def indep(n: CfgNode): Set[CfgNode] = n.predInter.toSet

def indep(n: CfgNode, intra: Boolean = true): Set[CfgNode] =
if intra then n.pred(intra).toSet else n.pred(intra).toSet.union(n.pred(!intra).toSet)
trait IntraproceduralForwardDependencies extends Dependencies[CfgNode] {
def outdep(n: CfgNode): Set[CfgNode] = n.succIntra.toSet
def indep(n: CfgNode): Set[CfgNode] = n.predIntra.toSet
264 changes: 71 additions & 193 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/Lattice.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/MemoryModelMap.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,3 +108,36 @@ class MemoryModelMap {
s"Stack: ${rangeMap.stackMap}\n Heap: ${rangeMap.heapMap}\n Data: ${rangeMap.dataMap}\n"


trait MemoryRegion {
val regionIdentifier: String
var extent: Option[RangeKey] = None

class StackRegion(override val regionIdentifier: String, val start: BitVecLiteral) extends MemoryRegion {
override def toString: String = s"Stack($regionIdentifier, $start)"
override def hashCode(): Int = regionIdentifier.hashCode() * start.hashCode()
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case s: StackRegion => s.start == start && s.regionIdentifier == regionIdentifier
case _ => false

class HeapRegion(override val regionIdentifier: String) extends MemoryRegion {
override def toString: String = s"Heap($regionIdentifier)"
override def hashCode(): Int = regionIdentifier.hashCode()
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case h: HeapRegion => h.regionIdentifier == regionIdentifier
case _ => false

class DataRegion(override val regionIdentifier: String, val start: BitVecLiteral) extends MemoryRegion {
override def toString: String = s"Data($regionIdentifier, $start)"
override def hashCode(): Int = regionIdentifier.hashCode() * start.hashCode()
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case d: DataRegion => d.start == start && d.regionIdentifier == regionIdentifier
case _ => false

20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/SteensgaardAnalysis.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package analysis

import analysis.solvers.{Cons, Term, UnionFindSolver, Var}
import ir.{Block, DirectCall, Expr, LocalAssign, MemoryAssign, Procedure, Program, Variable}
import ir.{Block, DirectCall, Expr, LocalAssign, MemoryAssign, Procedure, Program, Variable, BitVecLiteral}
import util.Logger

import{File, PrintWriter}
Expand All @@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
/** Steensgaard-style pointer analysis. The analysis associates an [[StTerm]] with each variable declaration and
* expression node in the AST. It is implemented using [[tip.solvers.UnionFindSolver]].
class SteensgaardAnalysis(program: Program, constantPropResult: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.Element]]) extends Analysis[Any] {
class SteensgaardAnalysis(program: Program, constantPropResult: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, FlatElement[BitVecLiteral]]]) extends Analysis[Any] {

val solver: UnionFindSolver[StTerm] = UnionFindSolver()

val stringArr: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer()

var mallocCallTarget: Option[Block] = None

val constantPropResult2: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.Element]] = constantPropResult
val constantPropResult2: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, FlatElement[BitVecLiteral]]] = constantPropResult

constantPropResult2.values.foreach(v =>"$v"))

/** @inheritdoc
def analyze(intra: Boolean): Unit =
def analyze(): Unit =
// generate the constraints by traversing the AST and solve them on-the-fly
visit(program, ())

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,3 +219,15 @@ case class PointerRef(of: Term[StTerm]) extends StTerm with Cons[StTerm] {

override def toString: String = s"$of"

/** Counter for producing fresh IDs.
object Fresh {

var n = 0

def next(): Int = {
n += 1
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/UtilMethods.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import util.Logger
* @return:
* The evaluated expression (e.g. 0x69632)
def evaluateExpression(exp: Expr, constantPropResult: Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.FlatElement]): Option[BitVecLiteral] = {
def evaluateExpression(exp: Expr, constantPropResult: Map[Variable, FlatElement[BitVecLiteral]]): Option[BitVecLiteral] = {
Logger.debug(s"evaluateExpression: $exp")
exp match {
case binOp: BinaryExpr =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ def evaluateExpression(exp: Expr, constantPropResult: Map[Variable, ConstantProp
case variable: Variable =>
constantPropResult(variable) match {
case ConstantPropagationLattice.FlatElement.FlatEl(value) => Some(value.asInstanceOf[BitVecLiteral])
case ConstantPropagationLattice.FlatElement.Top => None
case ConstantPropagationLattice.FlatElement.Bot => None
case FlatEl(value) => Some(value)
case Top => None
case Bottom => None
case b: BitVecLiteral => Some(b)
case _ => //throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: CASE NOT HANDLED: " + exp + "\n")
Expand Down
111 changes: 34 additions & 77 deletions src/main/scala/analysis/VSA.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,28 +29,24 @@ case class LiteralValue(expr: BitVecLiteral) extends Value {
override def toString: String = "Literal(" + expr + ")"

type VSALatticeElem = MapLattice[Variable | MemoryRegion, PowersetLattice[Value]]
trait ValueSetAnalysis(cfg: ProgramCfg,
globals: Map[BigInt, String],
externalFunctions: Map[BigInt, String],
globalOffsets: Map[BigInt, BigInt],
subroutines: Map[BigInt, String],
mmm: MemoryModelMap,
constantProp: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, FlatElement[BitVecLiteral]]]) {

trait MemoryRegionValueSetAnalysis:
val powersetLattice: PowersetLattice[Value] = PowersetLattice()

val cfg: ProgramCfg
val globals: Map[BigInt, String]
val externalFunctions: Map[BigInt, String]
val globalOffsets: Map[BigInt, BigInt]
val subroutines: Map[BigInt, String]
val mmm: MemoryModelMap
val constantProp: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.Element]]
val mapLattice: MapLattice[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value], PowersetLattice[Value]] = MapLattice(powersetLattice)

/** The lattice of abstract values.
val powersetLattice: VSALatticeElem

/** The lattice of abstract states.
val lattice: MapLattice[CfgNode, VSALatticeElem] = MapLattice(powersetLattice)
val lattice: MapLattice[CfgNode, Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]], mapLattice.type] = MapLattice(mapLattice)

val domain: Set[CfgNode] = cfg.nodes.toSet

val first: Set[CfgNode] = Set(cfg.startNode)

private val stackPointer = Register("R31", BitVecType(64))
private val linkRegister = Register("R30", BitVecType(64))
private val framePointer = Register("R29", BitVecType(64))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +98,7 @@ trait MemoryRegionValueSetAnalysis:

/** Default implementation of eval.
def eval(cmd: Command, s: lattice.sublattice.Element, n: CfgNode): lattice.sublattice.Element = {
def eval(cmd: Command, s: Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]], n: CfgNode): Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]] = {
Logger.debug(s"eval: $cmd")
Logger.debug(s"state: $s")
Logger.debug(s"node: $n")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,11 +135,11 @@ trait MemoryRegionValueSetAnalysis:
evaluateExpression(storeValue, constantProp(n)) match
case Some(bitVecLiteral: BitVecLiteral) =>
s + (r -> Set(getValueType(bitVecLiteral)))
// TODO constant prop returned BOT OR TOP. Merge regions because RHS could be a memory loaded address
case variable: Variable =>
s + (r -> s(variable))
// TODO constant prop returned BOT OR TOP. Merge regions because RHS could be a memory loaded address
case variable: Variable =>
s + (r -> s(variable))
case None =>
storeValue.match {
case v: Variable =>
Expand All @@ -163,70 +159,31 @@ trait MemoryRegionValueSetAnalysis:

/** Transfer function for state lattice elements.
def localTransfer(n: CfgNode, s: lattice.sublattice.Element): lattice.sublattice.Element =
n match {
case entry: CfgFunctionEntryNode =>
case _: CfgFunctionExitNode =>
case cmd: CfgCommandNode =>
eval(, s, n)
case _ => s // ignore other kinds of nodes

/** Base class for memory region analysis (non-lifted) lattice.
abstract class ValueSetAnalysis(
val cfg: ProgramCfg,
val globals: Map[BigInt, String],
val externalFunctions: Map[BigInt, String],
val globalOffsets: Map[BigInt, BigInt],
val subroutines: Map[BigInt, String],
val mmm: MemoryModelMap,
val constantProp: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.Element]]
) extends FlowSensitiveAnalysis(true)
with MemoryRegionValueSetAnalysis {
def localTransfer(n: CfgNode, s: Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]]): Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]] = n match {
case entry: CfgFunctionEntryNode =>
case _: CfgFunctionExitNode =>
case cmd: CfgCommandNode =>
eval(, s, n)
case _ => s // ignore other kinds of nodes

/** Transfer function for state lattice elements. (Same as `localTransfer` for simple value analysis.)
def transfer(n: CfgNode, s: lattice.sublattice.Element): lattice.sublattice.Element = localTransfer(n, s)

def transfer(n: CfgNode, s: Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]]): Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]] = localTransfer(n, s)

abstract class IntraprocValueSetAnalysisWorklistSolver[L <: VSALatticeElem](
class ValueSetAnalysisSolver(
cfg: ProgramCfg,
globals: Map[BigInt, String],
externalFunctions: Map[BigInt, String],
globalOffsets: Map[BigInt, BigInt],
subroutines: Map[BigInt, String],
mmm: MemoryModelMap,
constantProp: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.Element]],
val powersetLattice: L
constantProp: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, FlatElement[BitVecLiteral]]],
) extends ValueSetAnalysis(cfg, globals, externalFunctions, globalOffsets, subroutines, mmm, constantProp)
with SimpleMonotonicSolver[CfgNode]
with ForwardDependencies

object ValueSetAnalysis:

/** Intraprocedural analysis that uses the worklist solver.
class WorklistSolver(
cfg: ProgramCfg,
globals: Map[BigInt, String],
externalFunctions: Map[BigInt, String],
globalOffsets: Map[BigInt, BigInt],
subroutines: Map[BigInt, String],
mmm: MemoryModelMap,
constantProp: Map[CfgNode, Map[Variable, ConstantPropagationLattice.Element]]
) extends IntraprocValueSetAnalysisWorklistSolver(
MapLattice[Variable | MemoryRegion, PowersetLattice[Value]](PowersetLattice[Value])
with InterproceduralForwardDependencies
with SimpleMonotonicSolver[CfgNode, Map[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value]], MapLattice[Variable | MemoryRegion, Set[Value], PowersetLattice[Value]]]

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