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add markdown output for github actions display (#224)
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add markdown summary, histogram and mean/stdev running time to results table
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katrinafyi authored Aug 8, 2024
1 parent 75603e0 commit 5ffc8e3
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Showing 3 changed files with 208 additions and 28 deletions.
28 changes: 25 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/run-examples.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,10 +46,32 @@ jobs:

- name: System Tests
run: ./mill test.testOnly '*SystemTests*' || true

- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: testresult-${{ github.run_number }}
path: src/test/*.csv
path: |
- run: |
pushd src/test
tail -n+1 summary-*.csv
pasted="$(paste summary-*.md.part)"
for part in summary-*.md.part; do
# basename, then everything after "summary-", then everything before ".md.part" (via two rev passes)
testname="$(basename $part | cut -d- -f2- | rev | cut -d. -f3- | rev)"
[[ -n "$testname" ]]
ls -l "$svg"
# 1920 hours = 80 days
url="$(curl -F"file=@$svg" -Fexpires=1920"
[[ -n "$url" ]]
pasted="$(echo "$pasted" | sed "s#HISTO${testname}HISTO#$url#g")"
echo "$pasted" > $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
shell: "bash -xe {0}"
- run: tail -n+1 src/test/summary-*.csv
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,4 +23,7 @@ examplesold/
203 changes: 179 additions & 24 deletions src/test/scala/SystemTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import util.{Logger, PerformanceTimer}

import Numeric.Implicits._
import{BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter}
import scala.collection.mutable
Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ import scala.sys.process.*
* directory structure and file-name patterns.

case class TestConfig(val boogieFlags:Seq[String] = Seq("/timeLimit:10", "/useArrayAxioms"), val basilFlags:Seq[String] = Seq(), val useBAPFrontend: Boolean=true, val expectVerify: Boolean=true)

trait SystemTests extends AnyFunSuite {
val testPath = "./src/test/"
val correctPath = "./src/test/correct"
Expand All @@ -28,23 +32,28 @@ trait SystemTests extends AnyFunSuite {

val testResults: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(String, TestResult)] = mutable.ArrayBuffer()

def runTests(programs: Array[String], path: String, name: String, shouldVerify: Boolean, useADT: Boolean): Unit = {
def runTests(programs: Array[String], path: String, name: String, conf: TestConfig): Unit = {
// get all variations of each program
val testSuffix = if useADT then ":BAP" else ":GTIRB"
val testSuffix = if conf.useBAPFrontend then ":BAP" else ":GTIRB"
for (p <- programs) {
val programPath = path + "/" + p
val variations = getSubdirectories(programPath)
variations.foreach(t =>
test(name + "/" + p + "/" + t + testSuffix) {
runTest(path, p, t, shouldVerify, useADT)
runTest(path, p, t, conf)

* Writes test result data into .csv and .md files named according to given filename.
def summary(filename: String): Unit = {
val csv: String = "testCase," + TestResult.csvHeader + System.lineSeparator() + => s"${r._1},${r._2.toCsv}").mkString(System.lineSeparator())
log(csv, testPath + "full-" + filename)
log(csv, testPath + "full-" + filename + ".csv")

val verifTimes =

val numVerified = testResults.count(_._2.verified)
val numCounterexample = testResults.count(x => !x._2.verified && !x._2.timedOut)
Expand All @@ -53,38 +62,96 @@ trait SystemTests extends AnyFunSuite {
val numTimeout = testResults.count(_._2.timedOut)
val verifying = testResults.filter(x => !x._2.timedOut && x._2.verified).map(_._2.verifyTime)
val counterExamples = testResults.filter(x => !x._2.timedOut && !x._2.verified).map(_._2.verifyTime)
val medianVerifyTime = median(verifTimes)
val meanVerifyTime = mean(verifTimes)
val stdDevVerifyTime = stdDev(verifTimes)

info(s"Test summary: $numSuccess succeeded, $numFail failed: $numVerified verified, $numCounterexample did not verify (including $numTimeout timeouts).")
if (verifying.nonEmpty)
info(s"Average time to verify: ${verifying.sum / verifying.size}")
if (counterExamples.nonEmpty)
info(s"Average time to counterexample: ${counterExamples.sum / counterExamples.size}")

val summaryHeader = "passedCount,failedCount,verifiedCount,counterexampleCount,timeoutCount,verifyTotalTime,counterexampleTotalTime"
val summaryRow = s"$numSuccess,$numFail,$numVerified,${counterExamples.size},$numTimeout,${verifying.sum},${counterExamples.sum}"
log(summaryHeader + System.lineSeparator() + summaryRow, testPath + "summary-" + filename)
val summaryMap = collection.immutable.ListMap(
"passedCount" -> numSuccess,
"failedCount" -> numFail,
"verifiedCount" -> numVerified,
"counterexampleCount" -> counterExamples.size,
"timeoutCount" -> numTimeout,
"verifyTotalTime" -> verifying.sum,
"counterexampleTotalTime" -> counterExamples.sum,
"meanVerifyTime" -> meanVerifyTime.toInt,
"medianVerifyTime" -> medianVerifyTime.toInt,
"stdDevVerifyTime" -> stdDevVerifyTime.toInt,
val summaryHeader = summaryMap.keys.mkString(",") + System.lineSeparator
val summaryRow = summaryMap.values.mkString(",") + System.lineSeparator
log(summaryHeader + summaryRow, testPath + "summary-" + filename + ".csv")

// generates a verification time histogram
val minB = Seq(0, meanVerifyTime - 2.25 * stdDevVerifyTime, verifTimes.min).max
val maxB = Seq(meanVerifyTime + 2.25 * stdDevVerifyTime, verifTimes.max).min
val nbins = 50

val histo = histogram(nbins, Some(minB, maxB))(verifTimes.toSeq)
val svgHistogram = histoToSvg(filename, 400,300, histo, minB, maxB)
log(svgHistogram, testPath + "verifyTime-" + filename + ".svg")

// generates a markdown table in separate parts.
// the complete markdown file can be constructed by horizontal (line-wise)
// concatenation of leftMarkdown and one or more partMarkdown.
val mdMap = summaryMap + ("VerifyTimeHistogram" -> ("![](" + "HISTO" + filename + "HISTO" + ")"))
val leftMarkdown =
|| Metric |
+,_) => s"| $k |${System.lineSeparator}").mkString

val partMarkdown =
| $filename |
+,v) => s" $v |${System.lineSeparator}").mkString

val summaryMarkdown = leftMarkdown.linesIterator
.mkString("", System.lineSeparator, System.lineSeparator)

log(partMarkdown, testPath + "summary-" + filename + ".md.part")
log(leftMarkdown, testPath + "") // XXX likely not thread-safe
log(summaryMarkdown, testPath + "summary-" + filename + ".md")

def runTest(path: String, name: String, variation: String, shouldVerify: Boolean, useADT: Boolean): Unit = {
def runTest(path: String, name: String, variation: String, conf: TestConfig): Unit = {
val shouldVerify = conf.expectVerify
val useBAPFrontend = conf.useBAPFrontend

val directoryPath = path + "/" + name + "/"
val variationPath = directoryPath + variation + "/" + name
val specPath = directoryPath + name + ".spec"
val outPath = if useADT then variationPath + "_bap.bpl" else variationPath + "_gtirb.bpl"
val inputPath = if useADT then variationPath + ".adt" else variationPath + ".gts"
val outPath = if useBAPFrontend then variationPath + "_bap.bpl" else variationPath + "_gtirb.bpl"
val inputPath = if useBAPFrontend then variationPath + ".adt" else variationPath + ".gts"
val RELFPath = variationPath + ".relf"
val timer = PerformanceTimer(s"test $name/$variation")

val args = mutable.ArrayBuffer("--input", inputPath, "--relf", RELFPath, "--output", outPath)
val args = mutable.ArrayBuffer("--input", inputPath, "--relf", RELFPath, "--output", outPath) ++ conf.basilFlags
if (File(specPath).exists) args ++= Seq("--spec", specPath)

val translateTime = timer.checkPoint("translate-boogie") + " done")
val extraSpec = List.from(File(directoryPath).listFiles()).map(_.toString).filter(_.endsWith(".bpl")).filterNot(_.endsWith(outPath))
val boogieResult = (Seq("boogie", "/timeLimit:10", "/printVerifiedProceduresCount:0", "/useArrayAxioms", outPath) ++ extraSpec).!!
val boogieCmd = (Seq("boogie", "/printVerifiedProceduresCount:0") ++ conf.boogieFlags ++ Seq(outPath) ++ extraSpec)"Verifying... ${boogieCmd.mkString(" ")}")
val boogieResult = boogieCmd.!!
val verifyTime = timer.checkPoint("verify")
val resultPath = if useADT then variationPath + "_bap_result.txt" else variationPath + "_gtirb_result.txt"
val resultPath = if useBAPFrontend then variationPath + "_bap_result.txt" else variationPath + "_gtirb_result.txt"
log(boogieResult, resultPath)
val verified = boogieResult.strip().equals("Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors")
val proveFailed = boogieResult.contains("could not be proved")
Expand All @@ -101,7 +168,7 @@ trait SystemTests extends AnyFunSuite {
case (false, true, true) => "Expected verification success, but got failure."

val expectedOutPath = if useADT then variationPath + ".expected" else variationPath + "_gtirb.expected"
val expectedOutPath = if useBAPFrontend then variationPath + ".expected" else variationPath + "_gtirb.expected"
val hasExpected = File(expectedOutPath).exists
var matchesExpected = true
if (hasExpected) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,7 +216,10 @@ trait SystemTests extends AnyFunSuite {
* the names all subdirectories of the given parent directory
def getSubdirectories(directoryName: String): Array[String] = {
Option(File(directoryName).listFiles(_.isDirectory)) match {
case None => throw"failed to read directory '$directoryName'")
case Some(subdirs) =>

def log(text: String, path: String): Unit = {
Expand All @@ -161,18 +231,103 @@ trait SystemTests extends AnyFunSuite {


def histoToSvg(title: String, imgWidth: Int, imgHeight: Int, bins: List[Int], minBin: Double, maxBin: Double) : String = {
def template(width: Int = 300, height: Int = 130, content: String) =
s""" <svg width="${width}" height="${height}" xmlns="">
</svg> """
def mkRect(width: Int, height: Int, x: Int, y: Int, crx: Int=0, cry: Int=0, fill: String="Black") = {
s"""<rect width="$width" height="$height" x="$x" y="$y" rx="$crx" ry="$cry" fill="$fill" />"""
def text(content: String, x: Int, y: Int, cssClass: String = "small") = {
s"""<text x="$x" y="$y" class="$cssClass">$content</text>"""

val leftMargin = 20
val histWidth = imgWidth - leftMargin
val bottomMargin = 20
val topMargin = 20
val histHeight = imgHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin
val maxHeight = bins.max
val binWidth : Double = (histWidth).doubleValue / bins.size
val heightScaling : Double = (histHeight.doubleValue)/(maxHeight)
val binPos = (0 to bins.size).map(i => (leftMargin + i * binWidth, binWidth * (i + 1)))
.zip( => heightScaling * bh))

val rects =, height) =>
mkRect(binWidth.ceil.intValue, height.intValue, binXX._1.floor.intValue, histHeight.intValue - height.intValue + topMargin))

val labels = {
(text(title, imgWidth / 8, topMargin - 5),
text("0", 0, histHeight + topMargin),
text(maxHeight.toInt.toString, 0, topMargin),
text(minBin.toInt.toString, 0, imgHeight),
text(maxBin.toInt.toString, (binWidth*(bins.size)).intValue - leftMargin, imgHeight))

val bg = mkRect(imgWidth, imgHeight, 0, 0, fill="White")

val content = (Seq(bg) ++ rects ++ labels.toList).mkString("\n")
template(imgWidth, imgHeight, content)

def loadHisto() = {
val source ="src/test/full-testresult-GTIRB.csv").getLines().toList
val headers = source.head.split(",")

val res = => h -> mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]()).toMap[String, mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]] => {
val cols = line.split(","),v) => res(h).append(v))

val timeValues = res("verifyTime").map(_.toDouble)
val histo = histogram(50, Some(800.0, 1000.0))(timeValues.toSeq)
println(histoToSvg("test histogram", 500, 300, histo, 800.0, 1000.0))

class SystemTestsBAP extends SystemTests {
runTests(correctPrograms, correctPath, "correct", true, true)
runTests(incorrectPrograms, incorrectPath, "incorrect", false, true)
test("summary") {
runTests(correctPrograms, correctPath, "correct", TestConfig(useBAPFrontend=true, expectVerify=true))
runTests(incorrectPrograms, incorrectPath, "incorrect", TestConfig(useBAPFrontend=true, expectVerify=false))
test("summarybap") {

class SystemTestsGTIRB extends SystemTests {
runTests(correctPrograms, correctPath, "correct", true, false)
runTests(incorrectPrograms, incorrectPath, "incorrect", false, false)
test("summary") {
runTests(correctPrograms, correctPath, "correct", TestConfig(useBAPFrontend=false, expectVerify=true))
runTests(incorrectPrograms, incorrectPath, "incorrect", TestConfig(useBAPFrontend=false, expectVerify=false))
test("summarygtirb") {

def mean(xs: Iterable[Double]): Double = xs.sum.toDouble / xs.size

def variance(xs: Iterable[Double]): Double = {
val avg = mean(xs) => math.pow(a - avg, 2)).sum / xs.size

def median(xs: Iterable[Double]) = xs.toArray.sorted.apply(xs.size / 2)

def stdDev(xs: Iterable[Double]): Double = math.sqrt(variance(xs))

def histogram(numBins: Int, bounds: Option[(Double, Double)] = None)(xs: Seq[Double]) : List[Int] = {
val (mn, mx) = bounds.getOrElse(xs.min, xs.max)
val binSize = ((mx - mn) / numBins) * (1.000001)
val counts = (0 to numBins).map(x => (mn + x * binSize, mn + (x + 1) * binSize))
.map((left, right) => xs.count(x => x >= left && x < right))

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