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add lru cache
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ailrst committed Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 266645f commit c9bd968
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Showing 4 changed files with 79 additions and 42 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion bin/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
(public_name gtirb_semantics)
(name main)
(flags (:standard -w -69))
(libraries base64 yojson gtirb_semantics asli.libASL))
(pps ppx_jane -dont-apply=sexp_message))
(libraries base64 yojson gtirb_semantics asli.libASL janestreet_lru_cache))
114 changes: 74 additions & 40 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ type content_block = {
address : int;

let decode_instr_success = ref 0
let decode_instr_fail = ref 0

let opcode_length = 4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,14 +90,73 @@ let do_block ~(need_flip: bool) (b, c : content_block * CodeBlock.t): rectified_
let address = b.address in
let num_opcodes = c.size / opcode_length in
if (size <> num_opcodes * opcode_length) then
failwith @@ "block size is not a multiple of opcode size: " ^ b64_of_uuid ruuid;
Printf.eprintf "block size is not a multiple of opcode size (size %d): %s\n" size (b64_of_uuid ruuid);

let contents = Bytes.sub b.raw offset size in
let opcodes = List.init num_opcodes (cut_op contents) in

{ size; offset; ruuid; contents; opcodes; address }

module DisCache = Lru_cache.Make (struct
open! Core.Bytes
open Core
open! Lru_cache
type t = (string * int) [@@deriving compare, hash, sexp_of]
let invariant = ignore

let disas_cache : ((string list, dis_error) Either.t) DisCache.t = DisCache.create ~max_size:10000 ()

let env =
match Arm_env.aarch64_evaluation_environment () with
| Some e -> e
| None -> Printf.eprintf "unable to load bundled asl files. has aslp been installed correctly?"; exit 1

let to_asli_impl (opcode_be: string) (addr : int) : ((string list, dis_error) Either.t) =

let p_raw a = Utils.to_string (Asl_parser_pp.pp_raw_stmt a) |> String.trim in
let p_pretty a = Asl_utils.pp_stmt a |> String.trim in
let p_byte (b: char) = Printf.sprintf "%02X" (Char.code b) in
let address = Some (string_of_int addr) in

(* below, opnum is the numeric opcode (necessarily BE) and opcode_* are always LE. *)
(* TODO: change argument of to_asli to follow this convention. *)
let opnum = Int32.to_int String.(get_int32_be opcode_be 0) in
let opnum_str = Printf.sprintf "0x%08lx" Int32.(of_int opnum) in

let opcode_list : char list = List.(rev @@ of_seq @@ String.to_seq opcode_be) in
let opcode_str = String.concat " " List.(map p_byte opcode_list) in

let do_dis () : ((string list * string list), dis_error) Either.t =
(match Dis.retrieveDisassembly ?address env (Dis.build_env env) opnum_str with
| res ->
decode_instr_success := !decode_instr_success + 1 ;
Left ( p_raw res, p_pretty res)
| exception exc ->
decode_instr_fail := !decode_instr_fail + 1 ;
"error during aslp disassembly (unsupported opcode %s, bytes %s):\n\nException : %s\n"
opnum_str opcode_str (Printexc.to_string exc);
(* Printexc.print_backtrace stderr; *)
Right {
opcode = opnum_str;
error = (Printexc.to_string exc)
in map_left fst (do_dis ())

let cache = true

let to_asli (opcode_be: string) (addr : int) : ((string list, dis_error) Either.t) =
if cache then (
let k : (string * int) = (opcode_be, addr) in
DisCache.find_or_add disas_cache k ~default:(fun () -> to_asli_impl opcode_be addr)
) else (to_asli_impl opcode_be addr)

let do_module (m: Module.t): Module.t =

let all_sects = m.sections in
Expand All @@ -118,48 +179,12 @@ let do_module (m: Module.t): Module.t =
let rblocks = (do_block ~need_flip) cblocks in

Printexc.record_backtrace true;
let env =
match Arm_env.aarch64_evaluation_environment () with
| Some e -> e
| None -> Printf.eprintf "unable to load bundled asl files. has aslp been installed correctly?"; exit 1

(* Evaluate each instruction one by one with a new environment for each *)
let to_asli (opcode_be: bytes) (addr : int) : ((string list, dis_error) Either.t) =
let p_raw a = Utils.to_string (Asl_parser_pp.pp_raw_stmt a) |> String.trim in
let p_pretty a = Asl_utils.pp_stmt a |> String.trim in
let p_byte (b: char) = Printf.sprintf "%02X" (Char.code b) in
let address = Some (string_of_int addr) in

(* below, opnum is the numeric opcode (necessarily BE) and opcode_* are always LE. *)
(* TODO: change argument of to_asli to follow this convention. *)
let opnum = Int32.to_int Bytes.(get_int32_be opcode_be 0) in
let opnum_str = Printf.sprintf "0x%08lx" Int32.(of_int opnum) in

let opcode_list : char list = List.(rev @@ of_seq @@ Bytes.to_seq opcode_be) in
let opcode_str = String.concat " " List.(map p_byte opcode_list) in
let _opcode : bytes = Bytes.of_seq List.(to_seq opcode_list) in

let do_dis () : ((string list * string list), dis_error) Either.t =
(match Dis.retrieveDisassembly ?address env (Dis.build_env env) opnum_str with
| res -> Left ( p_raw res, p_pretty res)
| exception exc ->
"error during aslp disassembly (unsupported opcode %s, bytes %s):\n\nException : %s\n"
opnum_str opcode_str (Printexc.to_string exc);
(* Printexc.print_backtrace stderr; *)
Right {
opcode = opnum_str;
error = (Printexc.to_string exc)
in map_left fst (do_dis ())
let rec asts opcodes addr =
match opcodes with
| [] -> []
| h :: t -> (to_asli h addr) :: (asts t (addr + opcode_length))
| h :: t -> (to_asli (String.of_bytes h) addr) :: (asts t (addr + opcode_length))
(* let map' f l =
if List.length blk_orded > 10000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,12 +269,21 @@ let () =
Printf.sprintf "%s%s" "Could not reply request: " (Ocaml_protoc_plugin.Result.show_error e)
) in

let bt = Sys.time() in
let modules' = do_module ir.modules in
let new_ir = {ir with modules = modules'} in
let serial = IR.to_proto new_ir in
let encoded = Writer.contents serial in
let et = Sys.time() in
let time_delta = et -. bt in

(* Reserialise to disk *)
let out = open_out_bin !out_file in
output_string out encoded;
close_out out;
output_string out encoded;
close_out out;
Printf.printf "Decoded %d instructions in %f seconds (%d failure) (%f cache hit rate)\n"
!decode_instr_success time_delta !decode_instr_fail (DisCache.hit_rate disas_cache);

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(name gtirb_semantics)
(synopsis "Add semantic information to the IR of a disassembled ARM64 binary")
(description "A longer description")
(depends ocaml dune yojson asli (ocaml-protoc-plugin (>= 6.1.0)) base64)
(depends ocaml dune yojson asli (ocaml-protoc-plugin (>= 6.1.0)) base64 janestreet_lru_cache)
(decompilers instruction-lifters static-analysis)))

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions gtirb_semantics.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ depends: [
"ocaml-protoc-plugin" {>= "6.1.0"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
Expand Down

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