This repository contains a set of 16 static and 16 dynamic test scenes for dynamic multi-target coverage maximization.
Each scene (see folder scenes) is a *.json files with the following components:
- boundary: simple time-invariant polygon which contains all targets, obstacles, and cameras at all times
- targets: array of targets, each containing:
- shape: simple time-invariant polygon
- path: simple polygon describing the path the target is moving on; can consist of a single point if the target is static
- velocity: (optional) Speed the target is moving on the given path, in meters per second
- obstacles: array of obstacles with the same properties as a target
- cameraFoV: field of view of all cameras (half-angle), in degrees
- cameras: array of cameras, each containing:
- pos: initial position of the camera
- angle: initial yaw of the camera, in degrees
- maxVelocity: maximum translational speed, in m/s
- maxAngularVelocity: maximum rotational speed, in rad/s
The polygons and points are in WKT format.
You need cmake
and boost
Use the following steps to build:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
It should create a sample application which converts the json files to svg images.
The resulting binary json2svg
can be used on a single file:
json2svg --scene static1.json --output static1.svg
For convenience, there is also a bash script (
) running the program on all scenes.