What's Changed
- flake8 by @dnowacki-usgs in #156
- Add bad_ens_indiv for specific timestamps by @dnowacki-usgs in #157
- Update GitHub actions to include Python 3.12 and drop 3.8 by @dnowacki-usgs in #159
- Add VAR_warmup_samples for Vector (useful for LISST) by @dnowacki-usgs in #160
- Add correlation to aqdHR by @ssuttles-usgs in #161
- Updates to EofE Echologger processing by @ssuttles-usgs in #163
- Update IQ.py by @rbales-usgs in #162
- Update vertical dimension handling by @ssuttles-usgs in #164
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0