Estimate an enemy Pokémon's attacking stat using a reverse damage formula calculation. This extension is for the Gen 3 Ironmon Tracker
Click on any variable number or checkbox to adjust the calculation.
The formula used is derived from the Gen 3 decomp CalculateBaseDamage Formula.
- Ironmon-Tracker v8.3.0 or higher
- Download the latest release of this extension from the GitHub's Releases page
- If you downloaded a
file, first extract the contents of
file into a new folder - Put the extension file(s) in the existing "extensions" folder found inside your Tracker folder
- The file(s) should appear as:
- The file(s) should appear as:
- On the Tracker settings menu (click the gear icon on the Tracker window), click the "Extensions" button
- In the Extensions menu, enable "Allow custom code to run" (if it is currently disabled)
- Click the "Install New" button at the bottom to check for newly installed extensions
- If you don't see anything in the extensions list, double-check the extension files are installed in the right location. Refer to the Tracker wiki documentation if you need additional help
- Click on the "Attacking Damage Calc." extension button to view the extension and turn it on
While in battle, after you take damage, simply click the "Last Damage: #" at the bottom to open the extension tool. You can also access the tool through Settings > Extensions > Attacking Damage Calc. > Options.
When the tool opens, the Tracker will automatically populate the damage calc formula with information from the enemy Pokémon, the move it used, and your Pokémon's defensive stat.
At the top of the screen, you'll see the attacking stat estimate, calculated using the variables below it.
- The low-estimate for the attacking stat is shown as the top value in red font.
- The high-estimate for the attacking stat is shown at the bottom value in green font.
- Click on the SWORD icon at the top to re-calculate if needed
- Click the (Clear) text-button to clear out all variables
You can edit any of these variables used in the calculation simply by clicking on them.
- Enemy Pokémon Lv: The level of the Pokémon you are currently fighting against
- Damage: The amount of damage the enemy Pokémon dealt to your Pokémon
- Your DEF/SPD: Your Pokémon's defense stat or special defense stat; use DEF for Physical moves and SPD for Special moves
- Move Power: The power of the move that dealt damage to your Pokémon
- Move Effectiveness: The move type effectiveness of the move damaing your Pokémon; e.g. 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0
- Other Multiplier(s): If you need to further adjust the calculation based on other factors, such as Flash Fire or Helping Hand, do that here
- [ ] STAB: Check this box if the move's type matches one of the types of the enemy Pokémon; results in a 1.5x multipler
- [ ] Crit: Check this box if the move did critical damage; results in a 2.0x multiplier
- [ ] Weather: Check this box if the currently active weather should boost or half the move's damage (sun/rain only); results in a 1.5x or 0.5 multiplier
- [ ] Burned: Check this box if the enemy Pokémon is using a Physical move AND is also burned; results in a 0.5x multipler
- [ ] Screen/Reflect: Check this box if your Pokémon has Light Screen or Reflect active AND they're hit by a Special or Physical move respectively; results in a 0.5x multipler