- 📝 I regularly write articles on https://medium.com/@umairkhalid786
- 💬 Ask me about Android, Kotlin
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- Single Responsibility Principle 1/5
- Open / Closed Principle 2/5
- Liskov Substitution Principle 3/5
- Interface Segregation Principle 4/5
- Dependency Inversion Principle 5/5
- Jetpack compose Side Effects - SideEffect
- Customize Contract for taking images
- Testing activity for results
- Jetpack compose Side Effects - LaunchedEffect
- Memory Leaks detection using Android Studio
- Jetpack Compose Side Effects — DisposableEffect
- Cold, Hot, and Warm App Launch Times and their impact on user engagement
- Splash Screen Android 12
- Gain Audio Focus
- Sharing Viewmodel in Jetpack compose navigation
- Why KMM is different from cross-platform technologies ?
- Design a Version Catalog using toml file