This is an FPGA implementation of the Magnavox Oddysey2/Videopac G7000 based on FPGA videopac by Arnim Laeuger and ported to MiSTer (With additional work from wsoltys) by Jamie Dickson.
- Switch between Odyssey2 and Videopac mode.
- Fully working keyboard.
- Joystick buttons for keys 0-9.
- loadable VDC ROM charset for some custom roms. For information, how-to prepare them and examples read the manual. Also have some ready to use custom roms.
- Correct Sound, timings and collision detection.
- "The Voice" peripheral.
- G7200 mode (B&W) with 7 contrast levels.
- available on:
- MiSTer
- MiST
- SiDi
- Neptuno
- Unamiga Reloaded
- ZX Next (Soon)
Copy the *.rbf file to your SD card. Create an Videopac folder on the card, and place Odyssey2/Videopac roms (*.BIN) inside this folder. XROM dumps (at the moment only known Musician and 4 in a row) must be renamed to *.rom.
When loading a ROM, most games will prompt the user with "SELECT GAME". Press 0-9 on the keyboard or mapped controller button to play the game. Unfortunately, there is no on-screen display of the game options, so looking at the instruction manuals may be helpful in selecting a game. Note that the system did not have a well defined player 1 or player 2 controller, they would alternate on a game-to-game basis. You may need to swap controllers to use the input.
- Still a few graphic glitches.
- René van den Enden Videopac guru. helped us via email and posted lots of information on
- Mejias3D Support on videopac internals and 8048 assembler programming.
- avlixa For the ZXDOS port.
- Antonio Sanchez For the LX16 port.
- Wilco2009 For the SD-cart for the real console and for helping with hardware internals and tricks his sd cartridge for the real console is a must!.
- Neuro For the Neptuno and Unamiga reloaded Ports.
- Benitoss for the ZX Next port (soon)
- You can download almost all the console roms from the René van dem Enden site. This .zip file contains 220 games and is 765 kB.
- Also the wilco2009 SD collection here.