Understanding the heroku ecosystem
FROM: FTD-Heroku.rtf See md docs for steps in creation Ex1_creating_dyno_w_db.md Ex2_creating_flask_app_heroku.md
$ heroku login
$ cd /Users/simon/a_syllabus/lang/python/repos/heroku_nubes
$ . venv-heroku/bin/activate
$ heroku local # launch local access here:
$ heroku apps # list apps - # https://stark-scrubland-88399.herokuapp.com/
Dynos are isolated, virtualized Linux containers (unbuntu) that are designed to execute code based on a user-specified command. (https://www.heroku.com/dynos)
Application s/w running on a dyno (web app)
Compiled code, runtime & dependencies packaged to run on a dyno