These should be pretty simple to follow, so take a look:
- UniUI = UniUI Kube, UniUI CLI, UniUI Editor, UniUI Docs, UniUI Website (in general)
- pack = modpack
- Use UniUI Kube in your modpack for both personal and commercial use
- Use the UniUI CLI and UniUI Editor for your pack
- Share assets you created using the UniUI Editor (they're yours - feel free to do anything!)
- Modify UniUI Kube in your pack (unless you explicitly state that you did so + link to UniUI)
- Get "inspired" by UniUI Kube to create your own similar thingy (uwu)
- Redistribute or sell UniUI
- Bundle anything but UniUI Kube alongside your pack (no CLI, no Editor, no Docs, no Website, no!)
- Act like you created or own UniUI
- Remove the license header from UniUI files
Please ask in our Discord before doing something not listed here! It may or may not be allowed, ask me!