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Build and Release Information

jimboca edited this page Apr 16, 2016 · 5 revisions

Build and release model for Polyglot

Updated 4/4/2016

  1. Any changes should be made in a separate branch e.g. 'issue-18' or 'username-dev'
  2. When FULLY TESTED create a merge request to the development branch so others can check your work.
  3. Once at least one other dev has confirmed functionality, a merge request can be made to unstable-rc. Version number should be incremented 1 in the third octet. eg. 0.0.1 > 0.0.2 in
  4. All devs should be running unstable-rc as their 'production' system and have it automatically pull nightly.
  5. A day cycle is 12AM to 11:59PM. Two day cycles are required to be completed before requesting to merge to unstable-release.
  6. Once unstable-release has been approved, version number should be incremented and changelog added to the changelog file and post made to UDI forum announcing new release.

Any BUGS or issues MUST reference the PGVERSION. This is logged upon polyglot startup.

Updating documentation

If any changes require updating the Polyglot documentation this is the responsibility of the person making the changes.

The API documentation is included in the code and is generated in the docs directory. To build the documentation you must have all developer requirements installed with sudo pip install -r requirements-dev.txt. Then inside the docs directory run 'make html' to generate the html and review the generated html files.

Currently the Polyglot version is hardcoded in docs/, which should be changed to reference the PGVERSION in This previously was set to "alpha" but it should track the Polyglot version.